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Anemone Seems Irritated


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I got a Rose Bubble Tip Anemone from LiveAquaria.com a week or two ago. Within a couple of days the anemone divided. I know have two Rose Bubble Tip Anemones. I am planning on keeping both of them. Yesterday and today they have seemed irritated. When I looked up close I saw some things sitting on them. I am not sure what they are or if they are even living... it could just be crap. Any idea what this stuff is and if it is bad or not?


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That is a pretty good guess but I wouldn't bet all my chips on it being harmless. I am sure there are many species that look similar that behave in diff ways. Do you have a six line?

I do have a six line. I also have a green coris wrasse that should eat anything that moves. With the size of his gut I would say that he is well satiated.

I am definitely going to keep an eye on the anemones. I may use a turkey baster to try to get whatever it is off of them.

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Are they pretty firmly attached? They look to me like they could be mesenterial threads.

They are firmly attached. I tried blowing them off with a feeding syringe last night but they did not come off. I did, however, discover that the anemone did not split. It just fed itself through a hole in the rock. It just looks like it is two anemones. Haha.

What are mesenterial threads?

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Mesenterial threads are used to sting and digest stuff. It's what aptasia eject a lot of the time when you're trying to kill them. I usually see them ejected from the mouths not the tenticles. I guess the tenticles might have been damaged crawling through the rock but that seems unlikely now I've said it.

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