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corlline algae disappearing


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Hey gang,

I noticed that the corlline algae in my tank that was doing so well is starting to disappear. I bought a new power head about 4 weeks ago and it has no growth on it yet. In one area of the tank the algae looks like it is starting to turn white. Have made no real changes other than adding the power head to (hopefully) rid one area of the tank of some red slime. What else is going on?

Help! - any advice?


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What's your calcium and other water parameters? Are your corals doing well or have you seen a big growth spurt maybe - I've seen coraline decline as corals get established and accelerate growth. But coraline can also be affected by water quality issues just as your corals are.

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Timfish is asking the perfect questions. How long has your tank been set up?

When tanks are first established, there (normally) are not many, if any, corals in the tank. Thus coraline algae has free range to use all of the calcium available. But as corals are added, the competition for calcium intensifies. Unless you dose calcium, then larger corals might consume a majority of the calcium, thus slowing down coraline growth.

I am seeing that in my tank now... and am not really that worried. I would rather have the large coral growth over coraline :wacko:

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Have an urchin? What other livestock?

There are some critters that eat coralline, so if you had a HH on something or added one for another reason that could be the answer. If it's turning white and going away instead of just going away, then yeah it sounds like it's either starved for calcium or there has been a recent increase in light. Something like changing a bulb could probably do that too.

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ckeack your KH...i bet its below 7... and if like in my case i added diffrnt bulbs and everywhere the direct light hits the coraline is gone now. I keep my KH around 8-9. Once i let it get down to like 7.2 and within a week or so the coraline started falling off the glass. JMO...

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Wow, thanks for the great replies. My coral is doing well, the tank is just on 6 months now (I'm a fresh water guy trying to convert) , I have hot tamales, eagle eyes..and some unknown zoa, a Kenya tree which now has broken off to 4 stalks (I'm thinking its like a weed) and another pink softie that has also spawned to another stalk. My shrimp, starfish and snails all seem to be doing well. Fish are another story, I've tried a few and have had ick twice now.. leaving a lone PJ ruling the tank.

thanks, just didn't know if I should be worrying and doing some corrective action.


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