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Need help planning 75 gal tank


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So far, I have 1 chromi, 3 evil peppermint shrimp, and 1 turbo snail. The tank has been running since March. I think I am ready to start adding stuff now. Looking for help determining if what I have picked out will work.

Planning for:

1 tang (havent decided yet)

2 sebae clownfish

1 yellow watchmen goby

1 lawn mower blenny

2 additional chromis

mushroom (purple & red)

leather toadstool (yellow)

candy cane


1 sebae anemone

2 electric scallops

I would like to get more snails but I am not sure what kind will work with the above...any ideas????

Also, I had 3 hermit crabs but my peppermint shrimp ate them.

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So far, I have 1 chromi, 3 evil peppermint shrimp, and 1 turbo snail. The tank has been running since March. I think I am ready to start adding stuff now. Looking for help determining if what I have picked out will work.

Planning for:

1 tang (havent decided yet)

2 sebae clownfish

1 yellow watchmen goby

1 lawn mower blenny

2 additional chromis

mushroom (purple & red)

leather toadstool (yellow)

candy cane


1 sebae anemone

2 electric scallops

I would like to get more snails but I am not sure what kind will work with the above...any ideas????

Also, I had 3 hermit crabs but my peppermint shrimp ate them.

For snails try turbo's and cerith and some nassarius for your sand bed.

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Agree with the snail recommendations. I'd add some emerald crabs to the mix and forget anymore hermits.

I'd stick with the single chromis; they seem to kill each other off until there is one. You could probably add a blue reef chromis if you want though.

You tang selection will be limited by the length of the tank. Scopas, yellow eye kole, Eibli mimic might work. Only 1 though.

I like having a wrasse of some kind(I have a 6 line but Mark will argue against it).

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Thanks everyone for the feedback.

2 sebae clownfish

1 yellow watchmen goby

1 lawn mower blenny

1 blue reef chromi

possibly 1 wrasse

not too sure about the tang any more...maybe 2 firefish?

mushroom (purple & red)

leather toadstool (yellow)

candy cane


snails: cerith, nassarius and more turbos

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You could do a tang, but like Robb said, you have to watch the species. Scopas and bristletooth tangs are good for this size of a tank. I have a scopas and a twin-spot bristletooth tang in the tank that chum around together in my 75g.

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Nice list of non agressive fish.

You can get multiple Chromis if you want some schooling fish (I would try an odd # for schooling). They may fight as they try to develop a hierarchy as one will try to become the dominant one and "pick" on the others.

That being said you may also have a solitary Chromis.

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