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I have a 48 in coralife Aqualife PC with 2 10000k bulbs and 2 Actinic bulbs all four are 65 watts each ,is this enough lighting for 55 gallon tank for reefing?? I have 60 lbs of rock in main tank adding more about 30 lbs of sand in tank and 15 in sump, protein skimmer-Coralife super skimmer 125. Any input helps. Thanks

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I think you would be ok for some softies but not sps and you will need to upgrade your skimmer at some point . Start with some common zoa's ,devil's glove, or any "cheap" lps that you like. Don't add a bunch at one time and have fun

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so what skimmer should i upgrade too?? i was looking at a cpr bak pak? What lighting would i need if i want to have moral corals like sps? I heard MH but exactly which ones are good for the price? thanks for your help dont want to kill anything.

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Re: lighting. MH would be good, as would a good T5 setup. Choices in either department are limited only by your wallet. For a 55, I would think a couple 250W MH would be the minimum, but will defer to those with more experience in that department. T5 fixtures; Aquactinics TX5 or Nova Extreme Pro are good and decently priced, ATI is the best but more $. DIY if you have a canopy is a cheap option too.

Skimmer options depend on your wallet too. There are a bazillion skimmers, and opinions, out there. Time to fire up Google. Check out Reef Central's equipment section.

Don't be afraid to buy used either, that can save money.

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will the Coralife Aqualight Elite Series 2x175 Watt Metal Halides & 2X96W Compact Fluorescents, 48 inch be too much for my tank OR AquaticLife 48 in T5 6 lamp fixture with lunar lights which has THREE 54W 48" 420/460 nm Actinic lamps, THREE 54W 48" 700+ nm (10K daylight) lamps and FOUR 1W Lunar lights. whcih one is better in your opinons?? money no object. clear1x1.gif

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I'm not familiar with either system but on the surface the Elite would probably be better simply due to the MH. Those PC's will be mostly for actinic supplementation.

IF the T5 fixture has individual reflectors for each lamp then it would probably be a wash.

What's your budget? Canopy?


That AquaticLife light looks nice based on the specs I just reviewed. Would require, IMO, quality lamps to get the most out of it.

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well i keep reading more and more. No canopy on my tank. what lighting do u use? The aqualite does have MH in the middle and actinic on the sides. I have been looking at them on marineandreef.com. budget of about 450 . I wanna keep the cost below 450 but a lil more is fine.


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i would have to disagree to a certain point. i use PC's and have had success with all my SPS and LPS. I think it depends on how far the light is from the coral. i have a breeder tank and its only 16" tall. i have digi, monti, milli and other SPS that are thriving. the color spectrum may not be the same but the results are. i will eventually upgrade to a MH because i like the spectrum of light. I like the blue spectrum of light and the way it sparkles on the sand bed. i have some superman monti that is still the same color as it was when i picked it up from Danny. A lot of people told me that it was going to turn a different color. i have not updated my video but my tri-colored acro has spread 1 inch in 1 and a half months. So if you cant afford MH right now just place your corals accordingly.

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Good point Lamont, placement of the coral is very important. And as you demonstrate, PC's can work.

I personally use a Aquactinics TX5 and have another to go on my 75 whenever I get around to setting it up. I love the fixture. That AquaticLife unit looks very comparable, and reviews on RC seem to be favorable.

Unfortunately, it comes down to what you want. I don't think there is any one right answer to any question in this hobby. Keep researching, check out as many tanks as you can, and make an informed decision that fits what you want/need.

I think the only other thing I can advise is to try to look down the road a bit and think if you might want a clam or anemone or SPS. All three will require good light, read that as a lot. I would advise, spend that 450 now on a good setup vs 200. That way you aren't buying something cheap now, and then in 3 months decide you want clams and nems and have to upgrade to the 450 unit.

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thanks for all ur input robb really helpful, i will probaly get that AquaticLife 48 in T5 6 lamp fixture with lunar lights or that current usa Nova extreme T5 that u suggested soon, maybe sooner if i find a buyer for my old light. Both around the same price. Oh and thanks Irssix for now i may just move some of my corals closer to the light and see how they do. Tons of help guys awsome.

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