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night time nem


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i have seen a few clear looking polyp things in i few crevices lately and tonight after the lights went out, i saw a ton more!! they look like clear anemones with brown-ish tips on the tentacles. just wondering if anyone knows what these are?


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Google image search 'aiptasia'... Youll find tons of information. These are definately considered a pest and if not controlled, can quickly take over a tank stinging everything in their path,. Possible remedies are peppermint shrimp (Lysmata Wurdemanni) and injecting with Joes juice, kalk paste or liquid calcium.

Edited by JimD
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Clear body, at least in my experience, doesn't mean aiptasia. It could be a hydroid or another kind of nem, it's really tough to see much of anything with that pic so at least for me it's not much use. Hydroids can be a problem, especially if they are colonial as they can bother corals, but solitary ones I haven't heard bad things about and they are said to usually go away once their food source is used up, as it's often a specific thing.

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Do they look like mine in this thread?


If so we came up with them being pseudocorynactis.

Is this what you jumped into chat for last night? I had already hit the button to shutdown my computer when you joined, so it just continued to shutdown and closed my windows. It was late and I didn't feel like waiting to boot back up to see that you had already left. Sorry about that.

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Do they look like mine in this thread?


If so we came up with them being pseudocorynactis.

Is this what you jumped into chat for last night? I had already hit the button to shutdown my computer when you joined, so it just continued to shutdown and closed my windows. It was late and I didn't feel like waiting to boot back up to see that you had already left. Sorry about that.

Did you look at this at all? Or google pseudocorynactis for pics just like it?

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Did you look at this at all? Or google pseudocorynactis for pics just like it?

oh yeah, i looked, but the first time i didnt think those looked like mine, but i googled pseudocorynactis and that definitely waht they are!! nice!!

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Yeah, looks like an orange ball anemone. I have a lot of them in my 75g, especially int he shady areas of the tank.

I am on the fence on pest/nice debate. They don't seems to bother zoas too much, but they do multiple quickly.

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