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Zeovit Group Buy


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I've been meaning to send these questions into the Zeo forum, but I'm being lazy and didn't want to fill out that long form, so I thought I would ask you:

These all pertain to a non-Zeo system...

PIF = Potassium Iodide Flouride, correct?

If you are using PIF, do you still recommend using K-Balance (Potassium)?

Between Coral Food and Vitalizer, which do you recommend, or both?

If you are using the Amino Concentrate, do you also recommend using Amino LPS?

After the basic 4 (SP, Amino, Vitalizer, and Xtra), which supp would you recommend going to next?

Do you test your Potassium levels? I have heard you can OD a tank using Potassium.

BTW, I've done my 2nd WC with the TM Bio-Actif salt, and am already beginning to see a difference. Maybe next time we can get John and Brian to do a group buy on it. :D


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I've been meaning to send these questions into the Zeo forum, but I'm being lazy and didn't want to fill out that long form, so I thought I would ask you:

These all pertain to a non-Zeo system...

PIF = Potassium Iodide Flouride, correct? Correct.

If you are using PIF, do you still recommend using K-Balance (Potassium)? Yes use both, the PIF contains different elements. I use the two together but I do not use the ZEOvit K-strong. My tank consumes it way too fast and it's way too expensive. Instead I use Warner Marine and Brightwell's version. I dose this combo three times a week.

Between Coral Food and Vitalizer, which do you recommend, or both? I've only used Coral Vitalizer which is a food, didn't know they made anything other than that in the way of food?? You might be thinking of coral snow which is a totally different product all together.

If you are using the Amino Concentrate, do you also recommend using Amino LPS? Amino Concentrate only although I did run through a 250ml of the AA-LPS but didn't notice much difference.

After the basic 4 (SP, Amino, Vitalizer, and Xtra), which supp would you recommend going to next? B-Balance for sure!

Do you test your Potassium levels? I have heard you can OD a tank using Potassium. I have a KZ test kit but it always says my K is around 310 which is wrong. I'm not too worried about OD'ing the tank. However the ZEOvit stones remove a lot of the K from the water column so someone that was not running the stones might be a little more careful than me.

BTW, I've done my 2nd WC with the TM Bio-Actif salt, and am already beginning to see a difference. Maybe next time we can get John and Brian to do a group buy on it. :D Hands down without a doubt the best salt I've ever used period. :D


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I'd like to chime in my experiences with the Zeovit line pertaining to tanks not running the whole zeovit regime. I won't necessarily comment on the entire zeovit line as I haven't used the whole thing. Also, none of what I say is written in stone and some people have different experiences with different products.

First thing to mention is that Spur2 (or any supplement that gets rid of "excess zooanthellae") is dangerous. If you overdose you will almost certainly screw up your tank and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone not using the full system.

Second, the nano power supplements are great but the package is misleading. While a 20 gallon tank only takes 1-2 drops of sponge power, it takes significantly more pohl's xtra. The supplements do not last the same amount of time and the package is really only for tanks 20 gallons and smaller.

PIF (Potassium iodide fluoride) is a supplement to enhance color. I haven't noticed a difference dosing it (either good or bad)

Iron Concentrate is to enhance yellows and greens. It also grows fuge macro algae like crazy.

Amino acids are supposed to enhance color and growth. I have seen a feeding response when dosing them but have no idea what the difference between the two is. The color enhancement is not dramatic but it makes the coral overall more healthy looking (better polyp extension, puffier lps flesh)

Coral Vitalizer is a food that corals store within their tissue and after ~one month of dosing, SPS growth is increased.

K Balance is a potassium supplement and having potassium at the correct level helps with color. That being said, potassium is hard to test and if overdosed can do WAY more harm than good.

Sponge Power is for growing sponges, feather dusters, tunicates, etc. and absolutely works. This supplement is a no brainer to me as it requires a very small amount daily so the portion lasts for a long time.

Pohl's Xtra is a color enhancing supplement and the most effective one at increasing color. It will not turn a green coral blue but existing colors become more vibrant and less brown is noticeable. I dosed this supplement for 9 months and absolutely noticed a decrease in color when I stopped.

B Balance is a supplement designed to enhance blue and red corals but does so by getting rid of excess zooanthellae. While not as dangerous as Spur2 I would still consider it to be expert only.

Coral Snow is best described as a clay like liquid that clouds the heck out of a tank. It soaks up yellowing agents and gels together proteins making it easy for the protein skimmer to take them out. It also feeds corals and coral vitalizer and amino acids can be dosed at the same time. This makes the tank very clear for 24 hours following dosing and will make your skimmer pull out some serious funk.

Zeozyme is a bacterial enzyme stimulator. It is a powder that basically clouds the tank exactly like coral snow. I have no idea what it actually is, or what it is actually doing but when dosed on a regular basis it made less film algae and the water more clear.

Zeomag is a dolomite calcium reactor material to be used in combination with ARM or whatever media you are using (except Deltec reactors). You use 10% zeomag and 90% aragonite and it keeps magnesium levels stable.

For anyone looking into trying some Zeovit supplements I would recommend Sponge Power, Pohl's Extra, and Zeozyme (or Coral Snow as Zeozyme is expensive)

If ya'll have anymore questions I'd be happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge.



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Also, for people who have not used it before, take John's advice well. You WILL use different Zeo products at very different rates. I would sggest going to the Zeo site and downloading the manual, and figure out what you will use based on the recommendations in the manual. A couple of examples:

I went thru the Amino LPS nano size in 3 days based on the recommendations.

I use 8 drops of Amino concentrate a day, whereas I use 8 MLS of the Pohl's extra a day (big difference - although I love that stuff)

Also, you can probably treat every other day, instead of every day, and still get a lot of benefit out of it. I don't (I know I could, but I do it every day).


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all great info. I bought the nano power pack 2 weeks ago for my 90G and the pohl's xtra is almost gone and I wasn't even dosing full strength. The coral vitalizer has so much left that I'm not even going to buy it on this group buy.

So I'm going with the pohl's xtra for now as what I'm really wanting is more color (less brown). I've got growth handled!

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Wow, I have been getting a lot of interest in this group buy :) I think the best way to organize the orders is to email me a list of what you are interested in ordering to [email protected]

I will reply back with a final price and invoice and would be glad to talk to anyone that isn't 100% sure that they are ordering the right stuff. 512-775-6555

Call me or email me for fastest response. PMs might take several hours or more to get to a computer.



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