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cleanup crew for a QT?


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I've got a fish in a QT. Fed it the other day and it didn't touch much, which means there's now some crap at the bottom of the tank.

Tank is bare bottom with a few pieces of PVC for hiding.

Wondering if I should throw a couple of hermits in there or something...

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No. Use a siphon to change out ~1G of water to suck the bad stuff out daily.

Edit: Clarification, You don't want anything in your QT that you won't be sterilizing between inhabitants. Since you cant sterilize a crab or a snail (they have such little balls) you wouldn't want to add them. Bare bottom, some PVC, a sponge filter and a light. Thats it.

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My main goal for QT is just to get the fish to learn to eat right what I'm feeding.

If there was something that required medicating I could easily pull a couple of hermits out.

And daily changing out 1G of water? willy_nilly.gif

I'd say if that's all you want a QT for, put the fish in the main tank as they'll be more comfortable there (more places to hide) and they'll settle in faster.

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My problem is that I've lost the last two fish I put in the main tank and I think it is because they were scared to fight the other fish for food. They were too busy hiding from me when I was in front of the tank too.

Trying to get it to adjust before being introduced to the main tank.

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I think the "QT' plan is a good one.

I've lost a few fish, new additions all, due to not being used to my food/feeding, not being used to us and our routine, and aggressive clowns vs not so aggressive newbies so if you can reduce 1 and 2 enough that #3 is a minor issue I think you will be ahead of the curve.

Besides, Mark is just a director, what does he know anyways? :)

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I like QTing fish but it's stressfull for them not being in a "natural" environment. I would advise a UV sterilizer on your tank until you've established your fish population. I've also known tanks where the established fish wouldn't tolerate anybody new so Qt in such a situation is pretty much moot. I like hermits in my QT and if I have to move them I stick them in a glass of tap water for a few minutes.

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