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Gonzobob's Fragtastic Fish sale


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So, do they just keep growing bigger, to the point where you have to feed the single head large prawns or silversides?

Or do they stay kind of small, and just keep growing more and more heads?

If I get a head piece, will it eventually branch off into tail pieces too, and swim off?

I need more info before I can commit to one of these frags.

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So, do they just keep growing bigger, to the point where you have to feed the single head large prawns or silversides?

Or do they stay kind of small, and just keep growing more and more heads?

If I get a head piece, will it eventually branch off into tail pieces too, and swim off?

I need more info before I can commit to one of these frags.

can you tell me what kind of lighting and flow they need too?

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Also, do the clown frags need to be set down inside an anemone? Or have several set around it, so it is always being touched?

I'm not trying to nitpick, but when you announce new items to the community we really need more care info.

What if I picked one up, and set on the sand in a low flow area? I'm assuming the crabs would kill it!

You need to be more responsible in your offerings.

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I'm kinda insterested. . . The price seems a little steep. Would take $30 for the Tangs and $15 for the Clowns.

How do I acclimate them? Also what to I need to feed them to accelerate growth?

Sorry about all the qustions I just can't find any info on Tang and Clown frags!

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How big of a piece do you need to have for best survival when I frag them myself.

I also think the 30$ tag is a little high. Can I grab one, and frag it to 4 pieces, then sell smaller frags for 10$ and then keep one myself?

Would anyone be interested in a smaller/cheaper frag for 10$

Heads or tails more interesting?

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OK, I’m getting a lot of interest but also a lot of questions. I hope this information will help.

Unlike other sources I sell only non-branching variety of these fish so multiple heads / tails will not be an issue.

Being non-photosynthetic daily feedings are a must. I grow out my frags using a variety of high quality live and frozen foods. Nori is recommended for tang frags. Care should be taken with flake or pellet food as the frags have limited mobility. Multiple daily feedings will improve grow out time.

Lighting is not critical to frag growth. The frags should be placed in moderate to high turbulent flow area to keep debris from settling.

Until separated from the frag plug positioning near any anemone is not recommended.

Fragging into smaller sections is not recommended as this greatly increases grow out time and may lead to feeding issues.

Once your frag has achieved maturity (fully developed head and tail) it can gently be removed from it’s mounting point.

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Oh, that kind of kills it for me.

I was really hoping it was the branching kind. I was really looking for just heads too. If it grows a tail, I might as well just buy a full grown clown.

I'll give up my reserved piece.

Thanks for the offer though Gonzo.

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