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BTA fragged by accident


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OK so I moved a powerhead in one of my tanks earlier today. An hour or so later I was looking at the tank and noticed that my BTA had some tentacles blown into and stuck in another powerhead. The anemone looked in bad condition but I decided to do what I could. Using a razor blade I cut the nem loose from the pump and added some carbon to the sump and did a water change. Looking in a couple hours later my nem has pulled itself into the rocks and is in two distinct pieces. Now about 5 hours later both pieces are attached to rock and have tentacles but I can make no close examination without pulling them out of the live rock. Neither nem is expelling anything but neither is either fully expanded either. I’ve done another water change.

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations or is it just wait and see at this point?



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I'd keep doing what you are doing; water changes and wait and see.

This is really the best advice. You should see either way in a few days if it is going to make it. I would say as long as they have a grip on the rock, then things are heading in a good direction.

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Yeah, just wait. My RBTA lost all of it's tenticles...I usually would turn off the powerhead and see if it released itself...it did this a number of times. The last was the worst and I think it may have learned because it's now staying put. It's been a month and has tenticles and is out in the open. Oddly...my clowns never touched it and now the small clown is always in it.

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Yeah, just wait. My RBTA lost all of it's tenticles...I usually would turn off the powerhead and see if it released itself...it did this a number of times. The last was the worst and I think it may have learned because it's now staying put. It's been a month and has tenticles and is out in the open. Oddly...my clowns never touched it and now the small clown is always in it.

I found turning off the powerhead works well too. When the powerhead is on, the it can pull the anemone in if it is moving or to close.

You might want to think about moving the powerhead far enough away where it won't be a problem in the future.

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gonzo...nems will split like that when injured.

Just keep an eye on it as it should be ok if the mother ship was healthy and the new clone isn't overly injured. signs of trouble are:

- tentacles that don't extend

- 'nem puking its guts out

- 'nem that never comes out from hiding

- 'nem that won't attach

Yours sounds like it is ok, just needs time to recover.

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Smack (palm to face),, er, I knew that. Sorry, just seeing my nem streached out like that into a powerhead got me rattled.

I'll update when I get home this evening but based on what I hearing and how things looked this morning I'm hopefull.

Thanks everyone.

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I have a RTBA who before I took over the tank went through 2 powerheads, back to back. It's still alive and kicking, he just looks more like a hairy mushroom. Has no long tentacles to speak of. This all happened about 5 months ago, and he is starting to grow them back. The clowns still host in him and everything. He just looks funny.

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