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Anemone Talk


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All this talk about anemones recently has got me itching for an anemone. All of mine, with the exception of one, died. I have been considering getting a long tentacle anemone. I found the following video on YouTube.com... I have a pair of pink skunk clowns so now I know what they would look like:


Out of curiosity, what is the longest that you have kept an anemone? I have read that they do not have a life expectancy due to the lack of shortening telomeres in the chromosomes. I am curious if anyone has kept an anemone for a long period of time, as in years if not over a decade.

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Moving this to the reef discussion section....

In my 24g I had a bubble tip for a couple of years that grew, split, and kept on growing. Ended up taking both of them back to a LFS due to them stinging too many corals. And this was under CF lights.

Now in my current 75g tank, I am not having a lot of luck with anemones. My once large bubble tip has shrank, and then split into two smaller anemones. They are under MH, but still do not have a lot of color.

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Hey Mama,

My ears were burning. Yup I have a few. A solana with a BTA hosting a breeding pair of ocellaris clowns. A nano cube with 3 hellsfire nems. Another nano with 5 mini carpets and one with 5 mojanos.

As interested as I am in nems I hadn't posted as my oldest nems are actually the 5 mojanos which I've only had for a little over a year.

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hey Derek. I would wait until the move to your larger tank before getting an anemone. Im not talking from experince or anything but it seems that there might be some stress involved if you get it now then move it to a new tank again in about 3 or 4 months.

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my pink skunk loves my 2 condys, I know most dont like condys but I think they look nice and they are cheap (7 dollars), I havent had them but about 5 months now and I definatly have to feed them because my lighting is only a single t8 with a powerglo bulb

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Ive had my rbta for around 5 years. I also made a long move from huntsville to where I am now with no problems. My original anemone splits every now and then, and so does one of the clones I kept. These are awesome corals, the way they move around in the current and the way the clown fish interact with them is great to watch.

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I've had 1 of my Heteractis Magnifica, Magnificent anemone, for over 5 years now. People say they can't be kept. I got a second about a year ago and it is doing well. I've had a BTA in the tank with them for about 2 years and a year ago I got a Quadcolor rose bubble with bright orange tips (not sure what the seller called it but I feel for sure it was a made up name). I, and nobody else I've met, has ever seen one like it before. It's been getting larger since the day I dropped it in.

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5 yrs ago....before acquiring the 215g tank, we had a 75g and kept LTA for about 3-4 yrs. The anemone was splitting every so often....we had no choice but to take them LFS. We also kept a Green carpet anemone (this one got so huge around 15" in diameter) we couldn't keep it in the 50g tank, so it got sold. But I think you can keep them for yrs. as long as you give them good lighting and flow. Clownfish are very smart and will feed the anemone when its their feeding time....that's is something I enjoyed watching and miss it as well.

So Derek, you decided what dimensions your tank is going to be?!


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In the wild these things are virtually indestructible. gun.gif

Unfortunately, many people in the reefing community aren't having such luck, however, the knowledge about them is increasing, and so is the life expectancy!

Hopefully, one day, everyone will be able to keep them confidently. yawn.gif

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5 yrs ago....before acquiring the 215g tank, we had a 75g and kept LTA for about 3-4 yrs. The anemone was splitting every so often....we had no choice but to take them LFS. We also kept a Green carpet anemone (this one got so huge around 15" in diameter) we couldn't keep it in the 50g tank, so it got sold. But I think you can keep them for yrs. as long as you give them good lighting and flow. Clownfish are very smart and will feed the anemone when its their feeding time....that's is something I enjoyed watching and miss it as well.

So Derek, you decided what dimensions your tank is going to be?!


I have never heard of an LTA splitting! That is awesome. I thought they didn't haven't asexual reproduction. I decided on the DSA Neo 185. Your hubby talked me out of the DSA Standard 215 because it has a center brace.

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I have never heard of an LTA splitting! That is awesome. I thought they didn't haven't asexual reproduction. I decided on the DSA Neo 185. Your hubby talked me out of the DSA Standard 215 because it has a center brace.

No center brace is definitely the way to go, Derek! yahoo.gif

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In the wild these things are virtually indestructible. gun.gif

Unfortunately, many people in the reefing community aren't having such luck, however, the knowledge about them is increasing, and so is the life expectancy!

Hopefully, one day, everyone will be able to keep them confidently. yawn.gif

Very true. I read about them in the "Clownfishes" book. I would love to breed LTAs and maybe breed some sort of special morph of them, maybe a burnt orange colored one. I'd make a killing!

Anemones are one of the few animals that is immortal. There are anemones in the ocean that probably were around when the dinosaurs were around.

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Haha that could be true. So of the really big ones could of been around sence the dinosaurs, lol. If to only want a tank for anemones, I would go custom because you can do a shalow tank with may be 2-3 foot walls and make it as long and deep as you wanted and put carpets, really any type you want to. That's what I would like is a custom tank just for anemones.

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