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Birds Nest Sick


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So I just recieved a pink birds nest colony and it is not adjusting well at all. Its had a lot of bleaching and I think it might be sick. There is a lot of brown slime. The tank it came from had 400w and I have 250w. all my other corals are thriving??? I put it infront of high water flow to get rid of the gunk on it and fragged a bunch of it out that still looks healthy. Anyone have suggestions? ( I'm affraid I can not get pictures)

Edited by cyrus
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So I just recieved a pink birds nest colony and it is not adjusting well at all. Its had a lot of bleaching and I think it might be sick. There is a lot of brown slime. The tank it came from had 400w and I have 250w. all my other corals are thriving??? I put it infront of high water flow to get rid of the gunk on it and fragged a bunch of it out that still looks healthy. Anyone have suggestions? ( I'm affraid I can not get pictures)

Don't put it under direct flow. Place it in the sand bed to adjust it to the lights. Your light is weaker in wattage, but your bulb might be a lower degree bulb (less blue).

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yes well unfortunatly it did not make it :) Not sure if the brown slime was just die off or disease. I set frags at all levels of my tanks and it seems the position it was in orginally is where the frags are having the most success. I'm just confused and saddened. Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone.

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