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Good Crab? Bad Crab!


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I got this little guy today mixed in with my bag of zigzag periwinkles from reefcleaners.

From a little online looking, it looks like he may be some sort of Xanthid crab ?

He is currently smaller than a dime. I dont have a refugium right now, so should I just toss him?



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Usually all fuzzy crabs are bad. I'm not sure about this one, though. He doesn't look fuzzy to me. I think you'd be fine keeping him in the refugium right now. And if you got him from Reef Cleaners, then I don't think it'd really be harmful. That is just my opinion though.

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John Maloney Replied:

"I would pull him. He is a potential bad guy, might pick on smaller snails. That is a first, they usually dont survive the freshwater dip....must have snuck in with some snails then. Funny he was with the zig zags...that tank is bare and they all hang out at the water line..."

So I guess its off to the reef in the sky for this little guy, since I don't have anywhere to keep him.

I'm tempted to drop him in my 55gal anyways and see if the hawkfish eats him. Hawk hit a peppermint shrimp last night right when I put it in, he took its head off before it hit the ground. But I can't be sure he would get this little guy, and if he is bad, I don't want to introduce him!


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Yeah, I don't really want to kill it.

However the only hamster ball, is more of a kitten ball, and way too big for my tank.

I just took a water bottle and drilled a bunch of holes in it. I'll let him chill until I figure out something to do with him.

Thanks guys.

(This is an old picture, I did not put the crab in the sprayer bottle)


Edited by o0zarkawater
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They become carnivores as they get bigger.

Ask my wife how mean they can get... I put one in my 29 gallon to help with an algae problem I was having. One day she was looking in the tank, he he popped out of the rock work holding the severed head of a clown goby in his greedy little claws! Needless to say, we got rid of him.

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