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Osc Clownfish eggs


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So my pair of Osc clowns have spawned in my 29g biocube. I've been watching the eggs for about 5 days now and they've turned from bright orange to brown. Both clowns are being good parents and keep nudging and checking on the eggs.

In the tank I have a mandarin, a watchman goby & pistol shrimp, and the two clowns. Is there any chance that if the eggs hatch the babies will survive? I've read about people who cultured specific foods to try and raise baby clowns. Any chance I'll have any survivors without doing this? The tank has a healthy pod population but I'm guessing that won't be enough.

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Sadly without specific care your chances are pretty much zero. Baby clowns feed on rotifers ect' at first as pods are too large. If you are interested in raising them it pretty much takes a seperate tank and live food dosed several times a day.

That being said I'm in the same boat and everytime I see that the eggs have hatched I keep hoping.

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