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Everything posted by Razor

  1. That was good! I'm still laughing at that one.
  2. I got my polyps home and the hornets are looking pretty good! Your tank(s) looked awsome. I'm very happy to do business with you all.
  3. I see this meeting starts at 3pm, what time do they usually run till? I have to work saturday but I get off at 4pm and I'm driving from Killeen. I'd like to come if it's possible for me to make it in time. Shawn
  4. I am by far no expert with this, but it seems to me that when the rock and sandbed are disturbed this will cause problems in the biological filtration= nitrogen cycle. I hope it can be done, but I wouldn't personally chance it with the fish in there myself. Good luck, it looks like a great deal!
  5. Very nice. Super clean sand! My sand is starting to get a brown rusted color algea on it.
  6. What you see in the pics are the only thing I've seen of them over the past week.
  7. Can someone help me ID these? I can't tell if the green one is a brittle star or green serpent star. The redish brown arms I believe are a brittle star also. Both of these are held up inside the live rock and have not came out at all.
  8. Razor

    Eye Candy

    That was awsome!
  9. I got my Tunze nano skimmer today in the mail. It came in while I was at work so that made the day go by so much slower. When I got home I found it was not a HOB (which is what I need) it actually sits inside the display tank and is held with a magnet like the Hydro powerheads. This didn't work because my light's take up most of the width. I called Marine Depot and spoke with them about it and they were fantastic on the phone. So now I have the Aqua C Ramora w/1200 mj pump on the way. I also got my Coralife Pureflo 2 that makes RO/DI @ the rate of 50gpd. This thing works at about my pace! So I will be slowly swapping out my Britta filtered water with clorinator remover and store bought RO water for RO/DI slowly over the next week. Any suggestions on how I should tackle this?
  10. I went in Aquadome a few weeks back and mentioned that I was a member of ARC to the owner behind the counter. He handed me a flyer with the club his store is apart of. I read the flyer, but don't remember anything about it, other than it was like 19.99 a year.
  11. The snails are Collonista snails... aka mini-turbo snails Here's a link to them: http://www.gastropods.com/1/Shell_26361.shtml It sounds like I'm gonna be over ran with them shortly so after my tank gets going I'll give them away to who ever wants them.
  12. Razor

    Snail ID

    FYI if anyone's interested... These are the snails I have in my tank. They are a "mini turbo" and I guess they multiply quite rapidly. We'll see what happens to them. http://www.aquaticcommunity.com/SwSnails/Collonista.php
  13. I sent the pics of the majano anemone to another source and was given the same response. So I isolated him. The aiptasia anemone I was 100% sure that was what it was so I didn't even bother posting a picture of it, I just needed some nooby info on. The sponge I was inquiring about because I don't know what they are exactly capable of doing to the water chemistry if they are dead. Will they slowly rot away and cause major problems down the road, or will they be fine, recover and contine doing their filtering. I ask this because the LR this sponge was on was out of the water for about 3 hours. I have read a whole lot of information on saltwater/reef keeping over the past several years, but alot of the information is conflicting between sources. I thought someone on this site I trust might give me some personal experience, which I got. I have identified the snails now and they aren't going to be placed on the "Kill it" list.
  14. Thanks for sharing. I hope you get feeling better soon. ~Shawn
  15. Razor

    Snail ID

    I have several (at least 6) of these small snails that are coming out when the lights go off on the tank. Does anyone know exactly what they are? Can I keep them in the tank or do I need to get them out? I also noticed this evening two hairy, brissled arms reaching out about 2 inches from inside one of my rocks. The arms are poking through the small holes in the rock. I could not get a quality picture of these arms yet because when I shine the light on them it sucks back into the rock. Does anyone know what that is?
  16. Razor

    ID starfish

    Can anyone give the name of the starfish in the last picture of Feb. photo contest? It's a six leg white one. I have one in my tank, somewhere.
  17. Well, I just injected that brown aiptasia anemone with lemon juice so we'll see if that kills it.
  18. Well, I will be going to go get the syringe tomorrow and kill this little clear aiptasia before he spreads. I also found 5 little snails out this evening working on the rocks. I have hundreds of small feather dusters popping up too. Will I loose all of these creatures as the cycle progresses on?
  19. is it too early to add a pep shrimp? won't he just die during the cycle?
  20. I think I have exhausted all attempts with the tweezers anyways! I'm glad you told me about the speading, so now I'll know to really look out. I just tried about 15 minutes ago with my new 12" long tweezers and it didn't work... this is a small one. This is the only brown aiptsia I've found so far. I'm going to try the lemon juice now, see if that works until I can get the aiptasia-X. Do I need to inject the anemone with the juice or just get to eat it by squirting some near it? I got rid of green anemone already.
  21. Well, I'm not taking any chances with this guy. I plucked him out and now he's sitting in small container inside the tank. I'm trying to decide what to do with him right now. I also have one of those Aiptasia anemone's I'm trying to pull out with a pair of tweesers. There are also two small star fish in the tank. One is black with 5 legs, one is white with 6 legs... The white one is gone for now, but I'm sure he'll show up again sometime.
  22. Anyone else have any suggestions about this sponge and anemone for me?
  23. I have had my tank set up and running/cycling for 6 days now. I have this white sponge in there that was attached to the rock when I bought it. Should I remove the sponge? Is he dead and causing problems? The wife likes him in there, but we don't want to have problems down the road. I also have this small green anemone that is slowly moving down my rock. I don't expect him to live through the cycle. Any thoughts on this?
  24. Look folks, a true master at work!
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