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Everything posted by julespinkyd

  1. You are correct but I prefer smaller ones. I bought these close to this size but I like to see them grow. Some of the other fish that I have, have been with me about 3-5 years. I would like some small ones to also enjoy seeing them grow. See them begin to develop the own personalities based on their long term environment and their keeper..
  2. I had recently posted a comment on asking "How many fish was good to keep in a 75G." Many thanks to the people that replied. I realized now that my tank is overstocked. I have recently taken some fish for credit because of this. Now I am looking to trade my blue tang for a healthy smaller one. The one that I have is approximately 4 inches and I would like a smaller one maybe a 2 inch one. I also have a yellow tang that is about the same size. I would like a 2 inch one. I would have traded these guys for credit as well but they would not have given me enough in credit to purchase a smaller version of them. Sooo, if you are interested, send me a PM. I will be out of town for a few days but will be responding to any messages.
  3. That would be awesome Gkarshens. By the way, that was a great gesture to help out one of the other members. I saw it in one of the other posts. It is always good to be reminded that there are always very good people within these communities willing to see past themselves and lend a hand. It gives new members a sense of pride to be a part of something so simple, yet so great... Thanks Let me know when it would be appropriate for us to meet. I will bring the three chromis. 388-1072 Edgar
  4. These guys are still available, if anyone is interested....
  5. I would like the superman monti and the toadstool if you decide to break it up. What are you asking for them?
  6. Well I got a pump and I ended up figuring how to use it. I decided to put this in the sump.... So please excuse any interests. This is no longer available..
  7. Any pics? I am new to a fish forum so does that mean this is live rock that has dried out?
  8. looking for a head of frogspawn or a nice live rock, two or three pounds would be great. I just need to get rid of the fish., too many in my tank .
  9. Well, I hope the tank police don't come knocking. I am pretty sure that will be a pretty good fine. Thank you all for your input. After careful consideration on this subject, I am going to try and get a bigger tank. Does anyone have a 250 G I can buy. Preferrably not tall. Just kidding, for now, I think I am going to trade the chromis. Another member threw them in after I purchased his tang. chrisfowler99 has a good point, I think this is good justification for the wife. "Getting fish that she really likes and then telling her that I have to get rid of them because the tank is overstocked," can make an approval that much easier. Well thanks to all...
  10. Well, thanks to all that have responded. This seems a good starting point to keep many things in mind. After some of the postings, I have decided to add a skimmer to my sump. This makes it the second skimmer on the tank apart from the wetdry. My inquiry on this matter is because I have seen a few tanks about the same size of mine with many corals but not an even balance of fish. I think the fish make the whole thing come to life a bit more. I have also started to position rock and corals in a way to provide additional seclusion spots for the fish. I have seen a lot more of activity since I have done this. I have also increase my water flow from only having a K-4 and a K-3 to and additional two K-1s. At this point I have: 3 chromis (approx. 1 1/2 in) Mandarin Dragonette small maroon clown firefish blue tang (2 1/2 in) yellow tang (2 1/2 in) fire hawkfish Chalk bass (3 inch) Large blue linkia I would like to add a small: lemon peel Royal gramma small maroon clown Purple firefish falco hawk Would this be going extreme on this small tank? Should I replace some of the less wanted ones with the ones more desired? I have been thinking a lot on the bioload remark that peeperkeeper posted. By the way, "thanks," with all the enthusiasm that I have been with I had not thought about that. Especially since I have also been adding a few corals here an there. Well any comments are being very welcome since we are all in it for the long run.
  11. I have a 75G tank with corals and 10 fish at this time. My wife would like to add a few more fish, maybe about 6 more. How can one determine how many fish a person can keep in a 75 gallon tank and if it is safe to do so?
  12. For trade, if any one is interested is a Pro clear aquatics protein skimmer. It does not come with the pump. I did not get the pump when I picked it up. The person that I bought it from said that they would send it to me but never did. I got this with my 125 wetdry sump but did not know how to connect it or had the pump so I bought a new protein skimmer and am not using this. If anyone knows how to connect this, has a pump, and would like to trade, just send me a picture of what you have. This is just sitting underneath my tank not being put to use.
  13. If joshman1204 passes I would like to take it...
  14. julespinkyd

    Free Sand

    The sand and GSP was picked up today...
  15. Fish was traded. By the way vwmike, if you see this thread, thanks for the coral. This guy is cool, I agreed to trade him for a torch that he had and he throws in a purple looking leather as well. Very Awesome!! Thanks so much...
  16. Thank for your reply Kris. The sand was pickup today with the GSP...
  17. julespinkyd

    Free Sand

    Pending pick up....
  18. julespinkyd

    Free Sand

    This sand was brought back from Mustang Island. It has been great for the tank but I have sold the tank now and moved all of the live stock to my other tank. I need the sand out of it by Friday when they pick up the Tank. I still have a rock with GSP in the tank as well and it is also being given away for free. Let me know if you are interested..
  19. FYI: Deal has been made. Awaiting trade...
  20. Ok anyone who want this rock can come and pick it up for free. It must be gone tonight if you want it. I have sold the tank and found a home for the mandrin. Now I just have this Rock with GSP and the sand. If any one wants any of this let me know.
  21. Well Thanks to all whom have sent me pictures. I am posting some pics of what I already have. Thing I may be interested in are a torch, orange linkia, or a purple fire fish.. so if you have any one of these and you want to trade it for this mandarin send me a PM before I make a choice today. I have just gotten home from work so I will be here the rest of the evening. Thanks
  22. Hello Barderer... I waited for a while and received a few PMs before your next response. I will let you know. There are a few people sending me pics. I really like your shrooms I may still be interested in the trade but will let you know if I decide to trade him for something else. He is definitely being traded today
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