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Posts posted by Christian

  1. Sounds cool. Let me know if you need some help. Measuring is a little tricky if you've never built a tank.

    Yeahi will defently let you know thank you.

    I plan on useing this on the aquarium room for the power suply system. http://m.homedepot.com/p/Grape-Solar-200-Watt-Off-Grid-Solar-Panel-Kit-GS-200-KIT/203505912?cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&cm_mmc=SEM&gclid=CJjnqtSgxMACFce_7AoddDAACw&gclsrc=ds

  2. Yeah that sounds good Ill defently need the help building a good one once I move were still doing paper work right now but hopefuly soon we should be all good to move. I curently have 57 aquariums from 55 to 10 gallon sizes but i need a big one to put as my desply system. I want this tank to be amazing. Im going to put into a closet that opens up to our sitting area up stairs. Im thinking about doing a full blown SPS system with MH lighting apex system and a sump thatbis about 75-100 gallons. Since it is on the second floor is run the intire closet/room off of a solar power system that will store electrictiy into batters in the atic. That way im only going to be paying fot up keep and water.

  3. What are your PAR levels? There's no doubt you can find SOME species/variants that will grow under the lighting you have but not knowing the intensity my guess it's going to be hit or miss.

    I don't have a par reader but I should probably invest in one lol.

    i have a 4ft blue stunner fixture that i use for suplemental lighting that i got from a member that has a sps dominated tank that was using multiple stunner strips to light his tank with success, now that being said i have no clue on the par they put out, but i do know that my stunner strip comes on two hours before my MH and every single coral i have reacts to the stunner strip and are fully expanded and open by the time my MH come on, so that being said there is also a total of 75 leds on my strip....they do put out some kind of par IMO but how much i cant state for sure....IMO with 9 four ft strips would add up to about 675 total leds, i would assume you are getting a decent amount of par but like i said this is soley my opinion and i would borrrow a par meter to be sure.

    Yeah all my corals open up and react to the lights also. And they look amazing I have a flower pot coral that was brown under t5ho lights and is now turning neon green so their doing something

  4. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on acros and other sps corals for me. I'm thinking about setting up an aquarium that has just sps corals in it. I will want to have some soft corals also but I know people that have amazing sps aquariums don't have any or very little soft corals in the tank, why is that?

    I've been in the hobby now for about 10 years I have a 70 gallon as my main display tank. I recently moved back from corpus to austin Texas, I went to corpus for school but decided that it was not for me. Be for I moved I had a really nice show size montiapora cap that broke into 4 good size pieces and than a lot of little pieces. Now I only have one good size piece let of it because of the move. So I have keep sps before but not so much the acro or millipora corals.

    I was running a 4XT5HO w/Led moon lights on the tank and just recently placed 9x48" ecoxotic stunner led light strips on my tank to give the corals better color and more light

    The lights go in this order

    Front to back

    445nm blue,

    8000k white,

    12k white/445nm blue,

    445nm blue,

    12k white/magenta,

    8000k white

    12k white/445nm blue,

    445 blue,

    8000k white

    I've got the on timers to come on for 12 hours a day

    445 blue from 8am-10am 8pm-10pm

    The rest from 9am-9pm

    They are on hand dimmers from the company.

    But I'm wanting to keep mostly sps corals in the aquarium, so any advice on keeping them and what you do for filtration will also be helpful.

  5. Hello all well I have an update about the store and my aquarium.

    Well I just moved to kyle after being in corpus for about a year. The move went well with the exception of losing my large montipora in the move it broke into several pieces and the two large pieces that was left died. :( I also lost 2 of my snowflake clowns do to cold weather in the move, but every thing else is in good shape and doing well. I still have some small frags of my monti that are doing good.

    Now that I'm back in Buda / Kyle area I'm in the process of finding a large amount of aquariums to get my fish business going so far I have my 70 gallon , 3X 6 gallon, 30 gallon half circle, 20 gallon high, and a 29 gallon bio cube. I'm still looking for some large aquariums such as 29 to 100+ gallon aquariums. Some will be used as display systems in the store and others will be used as holding tanks for corals, fish,and plants.

    If you or any one you know has some aquariums they would like to bit rid of please email me at [email protected] or text me at (512)771-3091

    I hope to get the ball rolling here in south austin.

    Let me know what you all think about having a fish store down south I hope to hear form you all.

    Thank you

    Chirstian Shirrell

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