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Posts posted by caferacermike

  1. Medi, one thing-Hip Dysplasia. For some reason it seems that most of the Boxers I've seen in the past few years have it. I do like Boxers and were once on my short list until 2 of my friends had problems with theirs. Yours look like very nice animals.

  2. That's funny you say border collie as she was all about Scroll down to "****", and I kinda liked "Waffles".

    So uh yeah bout the "shelter" thing, that's what we are looking at, as you can clearly see once you click on the link. It's just that I'm also interested in pure breeds such as the Doberman and Schnauzer. It's about 50/50 so I would appreciate not having to "argue" the shelter thing any further. Rather than saying "shelter" instead do us all a favor and and tell me a specific shelter that you think is doing an above average job and is worth going to.



    When I clicked on the "preview post" to see if my link worked it did not. I cannot type the name ****, think short for Richard. It is a name. I work with a guy named ****. **** would probably be offended if he joined the site here and created a username of "****" and it could not be displayed. ****, ****, ****, Rooster.

    So yeah Diabeetus please scroll down to **** on the page. D i c k. And mods I am not trying to "get around the swear filter" Sorry but I cannot type out **** as in the animal's name for others to look at and comment.

  3. So my other half has been after me to get her a dog for several years. She really wanted a Doberman but I'm leery about our 2 cats. I think the younger one would be fine but I'm worried the old one will be so upset that she might waste away. I'm also worried that with such a large dog that a playful nip at the cat could end in death for kitty. So lately she has been patrolling the pounds and keeps sending me pics of other dogs.

    I'm looking for a few ideas here. First: breed. Second: size. Third: demeanor. Fourth: hectic schedules. Fifth: where?


    So I would still personally like a Doberman. I've always liked them and have always wished to keep one. I've had min pins before. They were an absolute handful. I actually kind of liked the messages the pound would leave me when they would catch Pico running loose in the hood. The called him "Devil Dog" and his city mandated microchip papers identified him as such. However a min pin does not make a Doberman.

    Other breeds: Whippet, Italian Greyhound (kinda the same thing), Screw Tail Boston terrier, most any of the terriers, blue heeler, catahoula, or my other all time hold out a salt and pepper giant schnauzer.


    I have a decent sized back yard so that's not so much a problem. 1 problem is I only have a chain link fence. If necessary I could add an invisible fence and train it. Along with size I do have 2 cats to think about. I am also worried about having to clean up piles behind a large dog. Large dogs= large bills. Anybody have a preference?


    Of course the nice thing about a larger dog is that my house might seem a little more secure. I have been robbed twice while living in Austin so yeah that sucks. I'm stuck between wanting a warm fluffy rock that could care less if I'm there (that's probably from the cats) and a wild obnoxious always in my face dog. I'm really wanting to stay away from a middle of the road perfect dog. Either dead lazy or super annoying hyper. If it is ultra hyper I am much more inclined to take it everywhere with me and unleash it upon the unsuspecting.

    Schedule conflicts:

    I work a job with no set hours. I could be working 40 hours or 98 hours without warning. My Misses is currently working and taking a few classes so her schedule can be wacky as well.

    And finally where?

    Of course the first thing that everyone will say is "The Pound". Ok now that we are past that let's move on. As much as I don't mind visiting a shelter, and it is still an option, I am also the type that enjoys a pure breed and I also like getting papers with a dog. I'm no farmer so I'm never going to have an awesome paper trailed horse or anything, this may be as close as I get. I will not buy from Petland and I am also set against side of the road. I realize that some people just happen upon a litter of puppies and need to get rid of them in a parking lot, but good people breed good dogs and find better ways of passing them on.

    So I want all the comments, even from fishypets. Any experiences with any of the dogs I like?

  4. Ya know Brooks I wasn't gonna say nuthin but man I thought we had a dealio last night on chat and then you posted this thread. What happened to you bringing me all the SPS and then we were going to go to the AAF sale tomorrow and buy you replacement LPS? I guess that deal is over ;)

  5. Not on the curved side. They make some for that but they are about $300 each. I was told that the tnak had square sides and then the bowfront. I've never heard anyone say that a cup slipped off while using them. Just make sure that the red line is hidden. Also, they need to be checked every 10-15 minutes. If you put them on while lowering the tnak, and then let it sit before you picked it up again, that could be trouble. That's what happened at RCA when they borrowed them. They picked up a giant tnak and left the suction cups on it while driving across town. Then when they picked it up, oops.

    Please tell me you didn't use all 4 on a 75g. I moved mine by placing 1 cup on the inside of the tnak, the bottom, and picked it up like a suitcase.

  6. A friend of mine asked me to set up a simple tnak for him about 4 years ago. It was just a little 40g running live rock, a sand bed, and some powerheads. He bought a Prizm skimmer but I'm not sure if it is still running. We set up a light fixture with 3x 65w PC. The bulbs are around 3 months old. There are some fish, crabs, and the live rock. A couple of 5g water jugs. Not sure what else.

    He wants to sell by this weekend. I know he would make a great price to anyone that can quickly drain it and leave without a mess. There is no stand as this was in a cut out in his wall, hence why no sump or other good stuff. How about I start at $60 takes all? You will have to PM me so I can get the update on my phone. You will need to include a phone number so he can call you back. He lives near 35 and 1431 on the west side.

  7. Thanks guys!

    Gonna keep the pump for now. I need something to feed my massive Euroreef! :)

    Like this big?


    Nice score. I paid over $500 for my Eheim 2250 canister filter and another $560 filling it with Eheim media. You might consider trying Ebay for it and recover more money than the pump, then buy a pump and some extra stuff.

  8. Kalk.

    There was no spot to vote for kalk paste. Has NEVER failed me. If'n you want I can come by Thurs or Fri evening to help you kill them off and show you the procedure. I generally aim for 3 doses. Each dose kills whatever it touches but I don't like that much Kalk sitting in a tnak if it is a large infestation. I have 4 1/2 gallons of Kalk powder so I promise we will win.

  9. TLF phosphate/downdraft reactor. All the insides, no pump or tubing. I refilled it with ROX carbon and somehow I got some on the threads. When I closed it up, it leaked. I rinsed it and mucked with it but have zero patience. It's been in my garage for awhile and I'm cleaning. Claim it before I toss it. It's more than likely in great shape but probably needs a new o-ring to make a seal.

    A frag is always welcome.

  10. PS. I also like to still the water when I get home and look at everything from the top down. I generally turn off everything but my lighting for about 4 hours every night. I like to look down on my corals and nems and watch everything expand without the waves. I find it ultra easy to feed each individual mouth on my LPS, rics, and nems. Not everyone feeds like that, nor I guess would they care what their tnak looked like from the top down.

    I also think it's the perfect height for couch viewing. My tnak is in my living room and is the perfect height to look into from the couch. I could see wanting it higher if there was not any furniture to sit in while you enjoy the tnak.

  11. I like the top of my tnak to be level with my arm pit. I am lazy and prefer that I can quickly stick my arm all the way into the tnak for any type of maintenance. I would put things off if I had to keep, or get, a stool to reach in. I know many people like the taller stands, but not me.

  12. I would consider getting rid of mine. I have no real attachment to it. I've had it for just about a year now. Really healthy. Was from a hobbyist before I got it. So it's been in tnaks for many years. About 4" or so. PM me an offer and I'll get back to you. I'm always down for a trade so offer up.

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