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Posts posted by Eckreef

  1. I have one of each of the ornamental shrimp (peppermint, cleaner, and fire) in my mixed 57G for over a year and have never had a problem. The cleaner is always out in the open and the fire and peppermint are a little reclusive at times with the fire being the hardest to find.

  2. 40 gal breeder for sale

    Customized by "blindside" with center overflow. 2 holes drilled in bottom.

    Back glass painted black

    Has worked great for almost a year and I recently upgraded.

    Needs a little cleaning but in great shape.

    Very minor scratches on sides but not noticible when filled.


    located in Round Rock...you will have to come pick up



  3. I live in round rock and have a dremmel that you are welcome to borrow for the weekend. PM me if interested.

    Caferacermike did the same thing for me and it was so helpful that I eventually bought one...though I have not had much opportunity to use it....

  4. The sugar will settle out.


    Do you mean that the sugar fine will settle to the bottom and the larger stuff will be at the top?

    That was one of my concerns with mixing...

    What do you use in your tank?

  5. I am upgraded my tank next week and trying to decide on a substrate.

    I currently have 2 inches of the caribsea select grade but have been unhappy with it as it seems to clump easily.

    I had the sugar sized sand a decade ago and seem to remember being happy with it.

    I was going to put in 2 inches of fresh sugar sized sand when I upgrade unless someone can talk me out of it smile.gif

    Any pros/cons/opinions?

  6. Your cloudy water could be either due to Calcium precipating though more likely is due to microbubbles from the return pump.

    If you have a sump and return then turn it off for a hour or so and see if it goes away.

  7. I guess I am missing something here.

    Can anyone explain the love affair and need for deep pockets regarding chalices.

    They are colorful but why are they SOOO much more expensive than other colorful things that "just sit there".

    It doesn't even have any waving tentacles or anything else that is interesting to look at.....unsure.gif

  8. I picked up a couple of packages of Rod's original food from Premium aquatics when I was visiting relatives in Indianapolis. Great stuff and my fish and coral seem to really like it. I highly recommend it. I will be going back to Indy and can bring a bunch back (group buy) with "free shipping" if there is some interest then.

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