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Everything posted by NonSequitur

  1. I'll head south and pick it up from Mike tomorrow morning. I'd be happy to either drop everything off at Mark's house, or distribute them from my office in Cedar Park, whichever works.
  2. Uh oh. Ok.. just sent John another email asking about the address.
  3. Reply from John: Looks like it is still sitting in West Palm. We tried to cancel most of our shipment this week because we are experiencing gale force winds, but didn't cancel this one because of the problem of scheduling pickup. It won't fly tomorrow either because of the holiday, so it is safe to say it will be a huge disaster at this point except for the snails and macro. http://trkcnfrm1.smi.usps.com/PTSInternetWeb/InterLabelInquiry.do?origTrackNum=EO851221895US Then a second email: Actually since it is Express Mail it may be delivered tomorrow. I will get back to you on this, I have a lot of these emails.
  4. Still nothing? I just sent John another email.
  5. I'll be at the ADC day surgery center (360 and lakewood.. my wife is having an upper/lower GI scope) until about 2, then I have to run my daughter to a doctor's appointment in Taylor at 3, back in town by 5 or so.. so I'll be running around, but I'm sure I can sneak away to either swing by your place or meet you somewhere.
  6. Just got an email back from John, it shipped today for delivery tomorrow.
  7. I just emailed John, will update as soon as I hear back from him.
  8. That's a great deal! I'm pretty sure they only ship USPS, but you're welcome to join in.. If the people that have posted so far get what they said we should have already passed the free shipping level.
  9. It's easy. Go to the reefcleaners.org site, select your items and add them to your cart. During the checkout process it will ask you for your shipping method. Select "Group Buy". In the comments box at the bottom of that page, specify "Austin Reef Club". Everything will be individually packed, labelled with your name, and shipped to Mark's house for pickup this coming Tuesday.
  10. My wife was leading her injured soldier support group in the hospital on post when it all happened.. on the floor where the shooter worked before all of this. They just let her leave post about 45 mins ago, but she's pretty shaken, she'd been on lockdown in the hospital all afternoon, and one of her friends was nearly shot, but a soldier saved her life. My thoughts go out to the injured, and the families of those killed.
  11. Too cool. Hopefully in time we'll start seeing captive bred mandarins becoming available to the aquarium trade.
  12. I tried, but Wed. is Veteran's day, so USPS isn't delivering that day.
  13. Ok, looks like this is good to go. The order will ship Monday for a Tuesday delivery to Mark's house (to coincide with the vivid group order). I'm in for about $35, so we should be able to reach the free shipping threshold pretty easily if we're not already there.
  14. I hope to be there, but we might be going to Houston for the weekend to visit my wife's family.
  15. That's ideal. I'll set it up that way. Thanks!
  16. I just heard back from John, they can't get it to Georgetown or Cedar Park overnight, so if you don't mind accepting the order that would be perfect. Would a shipping date of next wednesday work?
  17. That sounds good. Once I hear back from him I'll let you know and we can go from there.
  18. Sounds good so far. I have an email in to John making sure we can get overnight shipping either to my house in Georgetown or my office in Cedar Park. Once that's confirmed I'll set up the group order.
  19. If USPS can get it here overnight that would be fine with me.
  20. Most likely fedex, since a few of the things I was contemplating need to be shipped overnight. I'd be happy to try to set this up as a group order so everyone can order and pay individually if that would work best, just let me know.
  21. I have an sb600, and it has always served me well. I was heartbroken to have to give up my trusty sb-28 when I went digital, but the SB-600 never let me down.
  22. I need more CUC and am contemplating putting in a reefcleaners order. Anyone need anything and want to split shipping?
  23. Stopped by RCA over my lunch break, didn't see any.
  24. I think RCA might have had some last time I was there.. worth a call, anyway.
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