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  1. mFrame

    Fish for sale

    *** EDITED, NOW WITH PRICES *** So my 90g is having some issues and I've got some fish that are nipping corals, some fish that I just don't like in the mix, and some fish looking for a nice place to retire. Details: (2) PJ cardinals - $20 for both - large and medium, have been together a while but I don't think are mated. Healthy and non-aggressive sold (2) bluegreen chromis - $5 for both - 2-3" each, I have five and would prefer to sell the larger two. Healthy and happy, but five is just too many for my tank.sold (2) Mated Clarkii Clowns (sold as pair only) - $80 for pair - large, 4" or so and currently laying eggs like clockwork. They live in my RBTA and the previous owner had them in a large carpet nem. No, my RBTA does not come with them but you should have an anemone home of at least 6" to provide them enough room. Otherwise they'll beat a smaller nem to death loving on it. Having a Nem is also going to greatly increase your chances of having them continue to spawn. (1) Large lawnmower blenny - $15 - 5" - very cool guy, great at eating hair algae, but very large. He does eat food as his belly attests, but he'd really like larger than a 90g tank with an algae source. NEWLY ADDED - $80 - very large (5-6") super healthy purple tang. Great fish with tons of personality, but I saw him grab my large feather duster and just shake it all to heck. He'd love a larger tank to play with some other tangs. (will trade for a smaller, healthy purple tang) I have a fish trap and will be catching these guys as requested, but it could take a few days to catch specific fish. Please PM me if interested and we can discuss trades. I'm not currently listing prices as I'm open to offers or trades. I would like: Male target mandarin or female green mandarin Fire shrimp
  2. I inherited a nearly completely bleached out green bubble tip. I put it in my 90g with my RBTA and another GBTA and now 3 mos later it has regained it's color fully and is happy. They can regain their color and Zooxanthella, so just keep a close eye on them and spot feed them if possible (mysis or small pieces of silverside). Some people say they don't have to eat, but I find that especially if they've lost color that providing an alternate source of nourishment seems to help. If you see either start to lose its guts out of the mouth then you should yank them immediately before they foul the tank. However, make sure that it's guts and not just waste, as feeding solid food will cause them to poop a lot. If you have any doubt which it is, wait a bit. Pooping is usually done within 30 minutes, entrails will hang out of an open mouth and stretch out further and further without retracting.
  3. That's awesome! I haven't been able to catch any of mine for the last 3 months because I keep missing them. Fantastic idea! How much would you estimate cost on parts? I don't have one of the micron filters.
  4. I have a clown that has gone through this twice, and currently going through it again. It gets a "pop eye" with swelling and cloudiness. In all cases the swelling has gone down and the cloudiness clears up. In general I believe this is caused by a trauma to the eye (hitting a rock, a fight, etc) and will take care of itself. If you notice multiple fish with pop-eyes, or if both eyes on the same fish appear this way then I would be concerned and think that identifying the underlying cause and/or QT'ing the affected fish necessary. However, the fish is already stressed enough so I wouldn't try to move it or treat it unless you see it degrading. Watch it for a few days and see if it appears to be clearing up.
  5. Sorry: Fighting Conch Snail sku: INV_SN_FIGHTCONCH 1 @ $8.59 Blue Leg Hermit Crab sku: INV_CR_B 20 @ $0.42 = $8.40 Red Knobby Starfish sku: INV_STAR_REDKNOBBY 2 @ $9.49 = $18.98 Radiant Wrasse sku: F-WRASSE-RADIANT 1 @ $44.99 = $44.99 Rainfords Goby sku: F-GOBY-RAINFORD 1 @ $23.59 = $23.59 I have both coupons and store credit, I assumed that I would enter those when I received the invoice. I can PM them to you if you need. If you want to do the conch deal then change my quantity to 2 and we'll figure out the details.
  6. Here's what I'm in for so far: Fighting Conch Snail sku: INV_SN_FIGHTCONCH $8.59 $8.59 Blue Leg Hermit Crab sku: INV_CR_B $0.42 $8.40 Red Knobby Starfish sku: INV_STAR_REDKNOBBY $9.49 $18.98 Radiant Wrasse sku: F-WRASSE-RADIANT $44.99 $44.99 Rainfords Goby sku: F-GOBY-RAINFORD $23.59 $23.59 The fighting conchs are 3 for the price of two, so if anyone wants to get in on it I'm open to dealing.
  7. A&J: Can you remind us how to place the order? Do we each do so individually and just mark it group buy, or will you actually place the order?
  8. Actually, there are quite a few options open to you. I'll PM you some private info, but the going idea is that banks won't negotiate with you until you're actually in default, not that I advise it. Some useful info here: clark howard Making Home Affordable program
  9. Ah, sounds like a blast! We've got family coming in or we'd be there. Have fun though!
  10. I'm in for at least $50 (credit for an item that didn't ship last time). Most likely I'll have a total of $75+ though.
  11. I let it evaporate and then put the salt in my salt shaker on the table, it's just like sea salt that you buy at the gourmet stores. Just kidding.
  12. Well, I succumbed to setting up a 3g Picotope pico at work. I've got my sand, live rock, some snails and an emerald crab. Some mushrooms, GSP, plain palys, and green zoas round out the life. What would be your favorite other critters to put in there? I'm wanting some color and movement.
  13. Congrats man! Very cute kid! I, for one, can say that I'm greatly relieved he takes after his mother. Babies of ARC calendar huh? Are you going the Anne Geddes route and putting them all in fish costumes?
  14. I hope you mean your fish sampled it. Otherwise, how'd it taste?
  15. Rocking Reefs usually has them in as well.
  16. Happy Birthday James. Get anything good?
  17. Search for "rain barrel" on austin craigslist and you'll find the guy selling old dr. pepper syrup barrels. He has 30g and 15g at reasonable rates.
  18. Howdy, and welcome aboard. Sounds like your wife is a lot like my wife.
  19. Keep in mind that if you're not providing various sizes of empty shells for your hermits then they will evict your snails to take the larger shells. Hermits grow and swap shells frequently and snails don't do a good job of fighting back to defend their homes
  20. Mark can usually head up a Reefs2Go order. I have a credit and coupon from the last order so I'd be interested in adding something.
  21. mFrame

    LED Lights

    If you opt for red moon lights you will be able to see all sorts of night critters. They can see the blue light and remain somewhat skittish under it.
  22. mFrame

    need some help

    They have this exact pico, including light, at AquaDome for about $40. I just bought one on the marine depot group order. One of my office mates bought the same one last week and has it set up on his desk. Nice little aquarium.
  23. mFrame

    cool culerpa

    I'm interested as well
  24. mFrame


    i had a ton of old mousepads from work so I just laid them all out next to each other. The price was right
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