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Fish are not Sea Kittens

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Everything posted by Fish are not Sea Kittens

  1. the little hex is actually missing half of the rock work in that picture (had to remove a large rock to move an anemone to the larger tank)...really need to put it back before I forget
  2. introduce them to Mr. Hammer? when did he drop his M.C. status?
  3. how are we food/drink wise? should I bring something? if so what? (other than the mushroom we fragged to a rock for you)
  4. hate to dig up an old dead (and stinking) topic but +1(00) for dead turbo stench...my our tank a large guy got killed by a bitchy hermit and was left for dead like a prom night baby, I haven't smelled anything that fowl in a long time....and I have kids
  5. Divided into 3 sections not drilled currently. has bubble trap, could use a cleaning just the sump, no macro no sand no pumps no skimmer
  6. How big are they currently? if they are NOT the huge uber monster turbos then mark me down for $30 worth -PM sent
  7. if you like zoos then yes. if you don't then no wear comfortable shoes
  8. feel free Kyle... and the stand seems fine. want to thank (in no specific order) Prof I got Tanked CoolBreeze Cmanning robb in austin azcummings you all helped alot esp kyle, dave and rodrigo
  9. coolbreeze's old kent maxxima on hose bib dual tds meter. added secondary precarbon...sitting on garden hose on front porch....will be installed in laundry room
  10. Need one soon prefer acrylic but let me know what you have.
  11. gonna start a betting pool? my bet is on it will stay put til after the lease runs out.
  12. IO dissolves with very quickly with little to no residue.... problem with all commercial salt mixes is the "trace elements" they use are technician grade and that is something you have to get over...or not and buy a salt that that uses reagent grade chemicals (and pay through the nose)
  13. I too am curious to know if you will part it. I want/need the tank and rodi and live rock....ohh and little giant
  14. Looks good guys, sorry I wasn't there to help setup. but then again how many hands can you have in a 10gallon at one time? now back to work before I get fired
  15. so umm. everyone else bring a bucket? or bags or how does this work? (asking for the Capt. who is sick)
  16. from what I have read...no get an emerald crab ...or 2...or 3...depends on tank size and how bad your problem is.
  17. Or maybe it just loosened her up or maybe the male clown slipped her some roofies
  18. Yeah I know...I have been looking for a "giant carpet" a "magnificent" and a "merten's carpet" with little luck...and have had some luck with them hosting in bubble-tips before
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