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Posts posted by Gonzobob

  1. I was interested till I got to the part where they will stop flashing once they adjust to aquarium life. Although more challenging to keep I think a better bet would be cuttlefish which flash and display as a natural part of their day as opposed to only when distressed.

    Still... a very cool fish.

  2. I would guess that they would be fine in the larger tank. The Wet Web Media article on tangs indicates these are one of the least likely to have agression issues. Is there anything happening in the tank recently that could have stressed them and started the agression?

  3. Enough!!

    Just stop. Sometimes you just come across a piece of livestock that can't be kept in your system. Hopefully the addendum 'at this time' can be added but not always.

    If you had taken a puppy home and it died, replaced it and that puppy died, replaced it and that puppy died at what point would you do the right thing and decide either you, or your current environment are not right for a puppy right now. Should these fish have any less right to reasonable treatment than a puppy?

    I am absolutely fascinated by plate corals (fungia) and clams but have had a couple of each die fairly quickly (a number of weeks) in my tanks. Guess what! I don't get them anymore and will not until I have a measurably stable sustained change in my systems.

    Anyone can decided 'this' is what I did wrong 'this' time but at some point you have to look at the larger picture. You've had five that have lasted a (by my count) combined total of roughly 18 days and now you've brought home a sixth. Just stop!

    I would have posted this far sooner if I'd seen that you were going to "see if I have better luck!"

    I wish your latest the best of luck and hope it does well but if not please have some respect for these animals and just stop!

    Think of the puppies!



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  4. Hey guys, I'm finally getting some of my tanks ready to move to the new fish room which means I have the opportunity to do some tank and sump consolidation.

    I'll be consolidating 3 nanos into a single 100 gallon tank and finally moving my nems into a single 40 gallon breeder.

    For these two tanks I want to setup a single large sump / refugium. As I have a 120 gallon Rubbermaid vat currently in use as a live rock vat it seemed like a good place to start.

    Key goals for the sump / refugium are as follows:

    Provide a cryptic zone for water quality improvement and copepod propagation.

    Provide a specific location for macro and frag grow out

    Provide sufficient area for live rock for additional biological filtration

    The design I have so far is shown below:



    Any thoughts or suggestions would be welcome.

  5. +1 for patience. An old reefer saying states "Nothing good happens fast in a reef tank.". Nothing could be truer. The advice I have goes with that you've already read.

    Take it slow.

    Understand your water chemistry.

    Plan your purchases. (both hardware and livestock) (understand the needs and compatibilities of your livestock purchases before you bring them home)

    The two most common mistakes made by new reefers are rushing their tanks and what I call 'see it, buy it' syndrome.

    Read and ask questions. I started my first reef tank just over two years ago and wouldn't have made it this far without the good folk here at ARC.

  6. Hi Kim,

    I run a variety of hob fuges on my nanos. I have and use two of the CPR style (not sure the actual brands) on two separate tanks. Both have DSBs with a variety of macro being grown. One also has 2 mangroves. They have worked very well for me. I will say that on these two I do have supports built under them to take much of the weight. Like you I was concerned with the weight.

    I also run AC 50s and an AC70 on other tanks. These have been converted by either swapping the impeller for one from an AC20, or by cutting the stock impeller down to reduce overall flow. These generally run just chaeto and a mangrove. I like to keep them happy because the also work as a nice temporary storage area for corals requiring constant current.

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