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Posts posted by Gonzobob

  1. Does the solana have the light, filter, and top all as one piece?

    No, it's a canopeless design with a 3 chamber sump / filter / fuge in the back. You usually see them with the 'disco ball' lighting but picked mine up without and just added MH. Temp went up pretty quickly so here I am looking for a chiller.

  2. once upon a time.. but this isn't a tomatoe forum so lets not go there :whistle:

    I may be wrong but if this is a double ended bulb system won't UV protection be needed? (Not sure if this would have been needed for 'tomatoes')

  3. Monday I added a small acrylic sump to a reef tank I'm cycling. While I had successfully leak tested the sump over the weekend it started leaking within 15 to 20 minutes of setup with the tank. Experimentation over the last couple days has shown that leaking only happens with water over about 72 degrees. Unfortunatly testing has not helped me locate the source of the leak.

    Does anyone have any advice on locating the leak? Also, once found can I use standard aquarium sealant, or will the sump need to be reglued?


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