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Posts posted by Rjohn

  1. I got out of the hobby a few months ago. I need to get rid of all the miscellaneous leftovers. I have 2 five-gallon buckets of various chemicals. I also have a large container of various tubing, a pump or two, filter media, etc. All of it is free. First come - first served. Whatever is leftover, goes in the trash tomorrow. five one 2 - five 8 five - five ate three ate in Hutto. Please don't come to cherry pick. Please pick up the stuff and sort it out somewhere else.


    It's gone. Thanks Jason

  2. I sold all my livestock this evening. A few small crabs got left behind. If you want them, let me know you are coming and come get them TONIGHT, Monday the 29th.

    Ric Johnson


    They are gone!!!

  3. SOLD

    I need to get out of the hobby for a while. I have a 75 gallon setup with a 20gal sump. This tank was built at "Fishy Business". It has three overflows to the sump. All fish, lights, and miscellaneous equipment goes in the sale. I have 6 fish - 3 tangs(sailfin, scopas, and unicorn), a blue chromis, false percula clown. The clown is about 15 years old and is very attached to the big red anemones. There are 4 large red 'nems and about 20 smaller greens. There is also an assortment of other softies including about 20 orange mushrooms. You will have to move it.

    Ric Johnson

    [email protected]

    five 0ne 2 - five 8 five - 5 eight three





  4. I started with one RBTA is got from Mark Callahan and now I have 4 that are rather large. I also got one green one about the size of my thumb at ARC. Now I have about 12 or 14 of varying sizes. My tank is becoming a 'nem farm. If I knew how to get them loose, I'd sell some of them.

  5. I have a home depot bucket full of what used to be live rock from previous iterations of this tank and from earlier tanks. I would like to re-scape my current aquarium a bit. What do I need to do to this rock other than soak it in tank water for a few days? Some of it has been dry 4 or 5 years I guess. Any advice or ideas would be helpful. Thanks.


  6. When I traded out my tanks, I bought a 100 gallon water trough from Tractor Supply Co. in Taylor. It is resin and easily cleanable. When I was done with it, I took it back 3 days later for a full refund. I didn't hurt it - it wasn't even scratched.

  7. I vote for monthly but quarterly is ok. I think reminder emails might be a good idea, especially to the people who RSVP'd. I know I have had senior moments Saturday evening where I remembered that '****, the meeting was today. " An agenda is always good and pre-posting it here might help generate interest.

    I went to a couple of San Antonio meetings at a Bass Pro Shop. Ours should be open soon.

  8. I do have a small maxijet in the tank to aid in circulation. I think I will upgrade to the max 12. I am a little afraid of the 18. I don't want my return to be a fire hose. If I went to the 18, I'd put the T back in the return line and use 2 outlets the way it was originally.

    Thanks for the advice everyone. I appreciate it. See yall at the meeting.

  9. We haven't discussed this lately I don't think so I'd like some opinions on how much circulation I need for a mixed reef tank. I have 7 fish, some softies, and several medium size anemones, red and green. I am looking at getting a new return pump and as usual I read too much.

    My tank is 75 gallon rectangle plumbed by Shane at Fishy Business and has a 20 gallon sump. Most of yall are familiar with his design. I bought the tank used and it came with mag 9.5 that used two returns. The flow in the tank was poor so I added a couple of water pumps to increase the movement but these require cleaning every week or so. That's a lot of maintenance as far as I am concerned. I took out the two returns and am currently using just one. This improved my flow enough to remove one pump. My flow from the return got weak so I swapped out the 9.5 with another that I had. Things are back to normal but I think I need to replace the old pump.

    Since I am buying a new one, I started looking into how often the water should be completely circulated. I read in a couple of places that the water should be completely circulated 20 to 30 times an hour. By the specs, a 9.5 raising water to 5 ft yields about 685 gph. By my calculation that results in 7 water changes an hour if I figure the tank and sump at 100 gallons to make the math easier. Is that sufficient or should I go with a Mag 18 which would yield 1100 GPH or about 11 changes an hour?

    Man, this got a LOT longer than I intended. Ideas?

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