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Status Replies posted by pbnj

  1. Oh, the flow....oh, the humanity.

  2. Thoughts of joining my 135g & 240g through a shared sump, dancing through my head.

  3. Thoughts of joining my 135g & 240g through a shared sump, dancing through my head.

  4. Looking for a bigger tank :) cheap price tag only need tank and stand.. maybe just the tank.. Also Mark I need to get with you on ordering my Tunze nano wavebox :) finally

  5. is wondering whatever happened to Rjohn (Rick).

  6. is wondering why I have to study nursing theory.

  7. Hopefully my luck in Vegas is better than my lottery ticket winnings!

  8. They should pass a law requiring all online coral sales be WYSIWYG.

  9. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  10. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  11. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  12. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  13. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  14. Apparently, in every other reef forum, up is really down, black is really white, hot is really cold, etc....ughh. If we only had so many experts working on the US economy.

  15. I think I’ve been feeding too much :-(.

  16. I won the January Photo Contest! I won the January Photo Contest!

  17. I won the January Photo Contest! I won the January Photo Contest!

  18. I won the January Photo Contest! I won the January Photo Contest!

  19. VEGAS BABY! Vegas! I'm speaking in Las Vegas in March! Woohoo! That vwmike is some agent.

  20. Man, that Salt Lick BBQ is good eats.

  21. Just got word I'll be giving a workshop @ the Marine Aquarium Expo in Los Angeles April 2-3! Awesome!

  22. My tank's KH is 4.0! Everything looks great!

  23. Anyone want to come over and help me dig a hole so my plumbing can get fixed? Free beer/soda!

  24. Oldest son graduated from UT...families have gone back home...I did it...good night!!

  25. What's the etiquette regarding the number of "bumps" or "ttt's" allowed before one should lower their asking price? ;)

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