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Everything posted by medi

  1. Can you post a pic of what it looked like when it was attached to the skimmer so we can see how it is supposed to operate. That way maybe someone can think of a retro fit that will work
  2. I have a blue leg pistol shrimp that is yours for the taking if you can figure out how to get him out of his burrow without destroying the tank. He is a mean little booger who I believe has already killed several peppermint shrimp, and the yellow watchman goby that I purchased for him to host with. Since I would rather keep a goby then I would the shrimp this guy has to go.
  3. Well I think you are right about the pistol shrimp as well. I noticed one of the peppermint shrimp go into the pistols burrow, the next thing I hear is a loud click, and since then the peppermint shrimp has been gone. I also found out that the pistol shrimp I purchased is a blue leg pistol, which from what I have been reading is known for eating fish, including gobys, shrimp, and inverts.
  4. medi

    TDS Meter

    Does anyone have a handheld TDS meter I could use to test a water sample? I have a whole house purification system, and I was curious if I attach a DI resin to a faucet if it would be could enough quality to use for my SW tank
  5. Just out of curiosity. Did you turn your lighting off? I know if you float them in the bag underneath your lights it can significantly raise the water temp inside the bag, and then obviously you get a huge temp. shock to the shrimp when you dump them into the display
  6. Well I decided I would give it one last try so I added two more peppermint shrimp yesterday afternoon. I used the temp acclimate then dump method and sure enough both of the shrimp are still alive and kicking after 24 hours. That is only about 23.5 hours longer than every other peppermint shrimp lived. I guess I won't be drip acclimating shrimp anymore. thanks for all of the advice
  7. In order to assure shipping on Monday I am going to close the group buy on Friday 1/16. Also, we have met the quota for free shipping so if anyone needs anything cheap feel free to jump in
  8. Just added the frags to the tank. They look great under my 14K. I definitely will want a few more, but I have to recoup some funding first. Thanks, Calvin
  9. I don't think so. They seem to die too fast.
  10. That is kind of what I think. I have never dosed copper. The only way it got here is if it hitch hiked off of a fish from the LFS. Also, I have LOTS of asterina stars, hermits, and snails. I could be wrong, but if I had copper in the system wouldn't they all be dead.
  11. Also, How do I remove the copper if it does turn out to be present? Large water changes?
  12. There better not be, but I don't have the test so I cannot guarantee anything. I already have a pistol shrimp in the tank. Would he have been been able to survive if copper was present?
  13. well I guess I will try that. Everything I have read about shrimp says to very slowly acclimate via drip, but obviously this is not working for me so I am willing to try anything at this point. Just one thing that concerns me is that they seem to do fine until I move them into my tank. Could the sudden change in O2 levels kill?
  14. I have now added a total of 4 peppermint shrimp to my aquarium and every one has died within the first couple of hours. I can't figure out why they are dying. I have never had this kind of bad luck with shrimp before, and am beginning to get a little frustrated. Is there some kind of trick that I am not aware of? My water parameters are good. nitrate 5 ppm, nitrite 0, ammonia 0, PH 8.2, Calcium 420, SG 1.024, Temp is a constant between 77 - 80. I am acclimating them VERY slowly using the drip method over 4-5 hours. Any suggestions??
  15. well several of the things I purchased require overnight shipping so it will come overnight either way. I am hoping enough people participate so we can meet the $150 to qualify for free shipping, but if not it should still be cheaper to order the crabs off the reefcleaners
  16. I just placed my order of $26.41 so all we need is $123.59 to qualify for the free express shipping.
  17. This is what reefcleaners.org has to say about group buys. I know both paragraphs are a little redundant, but I don't feel like editing. The order is set to ship on Monday 01-19, so your order needs to be in by Friday 01-16 in order to make sure they have time to process the order. Simply follow the steps below to place your order, and make sure you use the code "reefclub" to get a 25% discount. Also, if you place an order please say so on this thread so I can keep track of who all needs directions to my house to pick up your order. Thanks, Calvin Group Buys In order to make life easier for those coordinating group buys, we have developed a system for your orders. 1. Because group buys are likely to qualify for free shipping, just tell your members to use the free shipping option "Group Buy". We will package all of their orders seperately, and mark them by the individuals name. So all you will have to do on pickup day is hand them the bags with their name on them. If for some reason your group buy does not qualify for free shipping, we will bill each of your members a pro-rata difference for the shipping costs. It will be based on total amounts of their orders.This has never been a problem to date. 2. Have your members mention the club or organization of the group buy in the note field during checkout. It is that simple. Just post that you want to do a group buy at the website/forum/club you belong to, tell them to do their shopping here, and pay here and when the deadline arrives for us for that week's shipment all of those in are good to go. No need to front money, no need to add up totals, or answer emails, or talk to unsure shoppers. We will even send you a template post to help you explain the rules of the group buy to your members. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for your interest in this website. We will contact you shortly about your group buy. In the mean time here is some info that helps the process go along smoothly: The closing day will have to be two days before the scheduled shipping day for the group buy. This gives us enough lead time to get everything in order, and to make sure to limit our regular orders so we can package the group order correctly. Tell the members of the group to use the code "reefclub" to get 25% off our order. Then just have your members make their orders straight through the site, but have them choose the group buy shipping option during checking out, it is free. Then we package all the orders, placing the name of the person on the bag and ship on the selected day. That is about it. If you have the thread on a forum, let me know if I am allowed to post there, and I can help answer questions as they come up, saving you the trouble of relaying the message. In the unfortunate vent that there are losses, have the purchaser email me directly, (through our site), and will take care of the problem. All the Best, John Maloney
  18. medi

    UV Sterilizer

    How old is the bulb? Where are you located?
  19. sounds good. I will try to contact reefcleaners tomorrow and see if there is a good way to set up payment through their website, and who knows if we order enough maybe we will even get a discount.
  20. I need to order a few things from reefcleaners.org. Anyone in the Georgetown/Round Rock area want to go in and split shipping?
  21. all right...scratch that. I just spoke to my wife and she said NO!! sorry
  22. I need to talk to the wife but I very well maybe interested.
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