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Everything posted by innate1

  1. I'm pretty sure I have one that would do the trick I'll hit ya back when I get home and am certain.
  2. Nice. This will be fun to watch.
  3. Who doesn't like a good sharing of flesh? Line of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Regal Plastics is where I go and they are great to work with.
  5. I was trying to hold out until you sold it but your picture made me buy one sooner. That is an awesome pic.
  6. Sorry to hear about the flat worms; if you need help holla
  7. Make sure you buy the smallest hippo you can find, they grow really fast and you are right at the limit of being able to keep one. I have a 75 as well and it took about six months to find a hippo small enough for me. I got one smaller than a quarter. I've had him about a year and he's about three to four inches long. I would also wait to add more fish after what you just put in. Patience is hard to practice.
  8. 1+ on the no light. I got a media reactor and ran rowaphos, got more flow than any 75 gal should have and it wasn't until I did a week w/o light that the red menace was gone.
  9. I'd like to look at the zoa's I'm in RR by the hospital LMK
  10. bump and really interested in what ya'll feed for sps growth. Thanks
  11. I use Kalk, I just mix it really thick and put it on the aptasia with an eye dropper. Works great and is supper cheap.
  12. David and Robin thank you so much for the wonderful hospitality and frags. Your tanks are an inspiration!
  13. Thanks it was nice meeting you. If you need help with moving and reinstalling your sump LMK
  14. Congrats!!! That is the prettiest chalice I've ever seen. You must start a thread with updates and progression pictures so we can all raise it vicariously .
  15. That was good thanks Pat
  16. I have several different kinds of zoa's and mushrooms. I have a red and purple monti, red and purple digi, and a couple of different acro's, a chalice and a scolly .
  17. do you get much growth with once a week? I was feeding about the same and don't have much growth. I don't think I'll be using my media reactor much would you like to borrow it RJohn? I think it and the week of no lights turned the tide. I've been free of the red menace for two weeks now and it feels nice. LMK on the reactor.
  18. I'd like to pick ya'll brains about what you feed em, how much and how often. I've been feeding very minimally since battling cyano. So now that that's under control I would like to get better growth and want to start feeding them more. So please share your knowledge.
  19. Could you put it in a bucket till this eve? I'm in C.P. and can get it after 6 LMK if that works, if it does I'll dole it out as I won't need it all.
  20. I'd like to see the clam before I claimed it.
  21. My oldest has some minor surgery this Friday and I'll be home nursing her but I'd love to make the next one.
  22. I'd be careful with limestone "holy" rocks as you'll never know the mineral make up for sure. There are some things that can be detrimental to a reef tank that can be in there. Could you get away with it? Maybe. I save my gambling for Vegas not my tank. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.
  23. This is cracking me up. I tried selling the thing for 10 bucks (i converted an old wet/dry filter thus the low water level) no takers. I gave it to Chris no takey. Now poor Mark can't get rid of it.
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