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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. dang...I should have saved my $$ yesterday @ Barrett's and gotten them today..
  2. Rock #2 now has 10 polyps on it. Still $15 or will entertain trades.
  3. mcallahan

    Free chaeto

    I'd take some. Need some purple cap?
  4. I'm looking at setting up my Ro/DI unit and having the waste water empty outside into a large bucket so I can use it to water my lawn. My thought it to use my spare mag 9.5 to pump the water out of the bucket and through the sprinkler. Any bets on how high you think the sprinkler will shoot when I hook up the mag 9.5 to it? (I'll probably have to plumb in a T-fitting that will return some of the water to the bucket, but we could take bets and try it out at the meeting at my house soon...
  5. nitrate and phosphate will help. Although both of mine are @ 0 and I still get some hair algae growth. Personally, I'd get a tang that you like and let him take care of it. They love that stuff!
  6. sounds like it is all gone...any chance you have some of target practice left over?
  7. my junk is mostly green. Never seen a rust colored skimmate.
  8. Did he make it? If the shrimp is scaring him, you might block off part of your tank so that for now, the shrimp can't get to him. He sounds like he needs all the res he can get. If he'll eat, food soaked in garlic might help him recover as well.
  9. I'm looking to get my maroon clown back so I need these guys out of the tank. They are healthy, they eat anything (including nori) and swim around together. Sorry for the blurry pic...they don't hold still long enough to pop a good shot! Small one is approx. 1.5" Large one is approx. 2.25" $40
  10. I'd be interested in one, but the one rated for my tank has an 8" body = won't fit in the sump. Don't you say it Gabriel b/c I know what you are going to say!
  11. I'll also entertain trades for SPS/Zoas. Not interested in Xenia.
  12. I'd be interested to see how much the bubble plate on the bottom helps reduce turbulence. I might drop by tomorrow pm on my way back. You be around say 230? Good god that thing is tall.
  13. I have reef octopus nw 150 Talk to prof about sand and rock
  14. I've got a reef octopus NW-150 on the way. Its rated up to 180g and would easily take care of your tank.
  15. My ricordia thinks it can eat ceriths. Not so much...
  16. I told John to send mine with the re-send of the order. If I got a refund, it'd be like $4...woohoo!
  17. i've got 2 pieces of purple plating montipora that broke off my bigger piece. Each is approx 1.5" x 1.5"+. These pieces have grown under any light I put them under - MH, PC's, T5s. Easy keepers that grow fast if you keep your Ca and K levels right. $10
  18. The coroner already came...my nassarius and hermits cleaned them up already!
  19. Mine too. Talked to john and he is replacing mine. He said the FL ceriths were not packaged correctly by his employees.
  20. Today is a shipping day for him so I doubt he is by his computer. He is good about being in communication tho, so I suspect we will hear from him soon.
  21. I'll never be carpenter as I can't eyeball measurements worth a flip. The actual length of the fixture is 30" NOT 24" like in my previous post. MOD: The previous post can be deleted. Current USA Power Compact Fixture -30" All bulbs fire, built-in ballast and mounting legs included. $65 Fixture also sports built in moonlights for noctural viewing. Separate plugs for each lamp so you can have the whole fixture on separate timers. This fixture was growing macro algae in my refugium and growing several frags as well. Could also be used as your main lights in a smaller/frag tank. Specific Specs: Dimensions: 30.25" L x 8.25" W x 4.5" H Daylight 6,700k/10,000k: 1 x 65 watt Actinic 420nm/460nm: 1 x 65 watt No. of Lunar Lights: 2 Fan: Yes (1) No. of Switches: 2 Total watts: 130 Total amps: 0.95
  22. I don't have a tank, but I can possibly host your fish/corals if need be. Talk to prof...he has a little something of everything.
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