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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. I'll set the deadline for Thursday, Jan 14th @ 9p. Note, paypal is the only way I can go on this order. PM me for paypal instructions. I'll keep the thread posted on where we are with free shipping. Note that if we don't make free shipping, the ship rate is a flat $37ish $10 box charge applies for free shipping or not.
  2. running your line outside probably isn't enough. I did the same thing and until I ran the line outside AND added in the C02 scrubber, I didn't see a huge benefit. Now with the kalk water, I've fixed the issue. I'll PM you about the 2 part
  3. It sounds like you have a high C02 concentration in the air in your house which is driving down your pH even tho your KH is in line. I just went through the same thing, but finally have it nailed down. Our members are giving you great advice so I'll add to what has already been thrown out there 1. Absolutely get 2 part solution from BRS. Its the most cost effective and easy to use. Shameless plug: I'll be setting up my Ca reactor in the next few weeks so I'll have 2-3 full kits and dosing bottles that you can buy off me or if you want it earlier, I can setup a group buy for us. 2. Getting your parameters in check will help a lot. It took me 2 weeks to get all my levels to a good consistent level (right now I'm @ 9.5/400/1250+ for KH/Ca/Mg) and since then my pH is more stable and my coral growth has really taken off. I've never had an fish ich outbreak as I feed garlic in with my mysis shrimp, but I'm sure having steady water params helps the fish too. How to get your parameters in check...(see next point) 3. Start dosing Kalk in your top off. Kalk is VERY cheap (I got a gallon worth from BRS for $11. I use 8 teaspoons per 5G of top off water so it'll last me a while). Since adding the Kalk, my pH never goes below 8.00 even at night and I rarely dose Alk anymore. I used to dose 30 mL's of Alk a day. My calcium stays right @ 400 where it used to drop to 320 in a day even though I'd use to dose 60 mL's+ of Calcium a day. Note...I use Red Sea salt and love it. River City sells it locally for $55 for 180 (?) worth. 4. The C02 scrubber worked well, but it ate media like candy. The company that makes the C02 scrubber sells replacement cartridges for $25 and I'd blow through those in 2 weeks. Several forum members found cheaper C02 media solutions, but I found those to last only for 5-7 days. So the C02 scrubber wasnt cost effective for me at all. Bottom line: dose BRS' 2 part solution and add Kalk to your top off water. BRS' two part kits include Mg so you can knock that out as well at the same time. Kalk is a cheap alternative to the CO2 scrubber and works better IMO.
  4. Ehime 1262 pump sale for 30.00 Did you mean $130?
  5. mcallahan


    anybody go get one of these? I'd be interested in the feedback on the barrel and how willing the person on the end of the line was willing to work with you!
  6. He's going to buy the club downtown with the shark tank. He's over reefkeeping.
  7. Just b/c you live south and I live north, I'm going to stand my ground and disagree! (honestly tho, I still think its Cali)
  8. Hmmm...clint brings up a good point, but I'm sticking with Cali. Colorization with time will tell.
  9. Hmm...here is a pic of my mother colony of Oregon tort. There are some stubby branches and plenty of long branches as well. Do watch for the hints of green on the polyps as that's the dead give away for my Cali tort frag.
  10. We ordered from them before. The frags were nice and we ordered WYSIWYG items so they were as pictured, but not fully encrusted. I can't speak for non-WYSIWYG items. IMO, they aren't as "good" as Vivid in that their customer service was a little wacky. I got a call from them late one evening asking if I'd be ok if I could be on their mailing list for "other interests" they had. I asked what are these "other interests" and they said satellite TV. Sounded shady to me so I said, "No". also, their "arrive-alive" guarantee is for 6 hours after the box arrives. So if it is dead when it arrives, you get your money back, if it dies the next day in your tank, oh well. That being said, all of our stock from the last order we did with them is alive and doing well.
  11. Oh I pointed out that fact that cats have been around for thousands of years. Her response is that cars haven't and cars always win.
  12. the way I read their coupon is that we have to spend $95 on frags for free shipping and the $95 cannot be made up for Super Sale items. So if we spend $95 on regular frags, then we spend another $50 in super sale items, we're good to go. The free shipping also applies to LPS/SPS colony orders totaling over $175. <div><br></div><div>I sent them an email to be straight on the shipping thing.</div>
  13. I want a cat to catch the mice in the compost pile, but the wife won't let me as she says cats aren't meant to live outside b/c they will get "splatted" by cars.
  14. yeah! Gabe agreed with something I said!!!
  15. Where is it? I can't tell the difference!? Is this a scam?
  16. dang! I'd put it in the garage for that price.
  17. good job on the chromis...get at least 3, preferably 5. They do better with 3+ or just 1. If you get 2, the dominate one will kill the weaker one.
  18. It'd do fine and it'd give you some lattitude to keep SPS/nems if you ever wanted to.
  19. why not just pick one up from autotopoff.com? They are cheap - $35 or less I think and work great.
  20. NO DAMSELS! Yes, they are cute, but they tend to get mean the longer they have been in your tank. Also, once they are in there, the only reliable way to catch them is to remove all your rock work and drain the tank as they are fast, sneaky suckers. If you are talking about green chromis, that's another story. Thumbs up on that route. Depending on the size of your chromis and hawkfish, you should be fine to put them in all at once. If you can spread out the time between the chromis and the hawkfish, that'd be best to give your tank time to take up the additional waste.
  21. I can't speak for which brand of T5 as I've never had them...I went straight to MH. One thing I did notice about the GLO fixtures when I saw them was that there was not a way to turn off the day light lamps and leave the actinic bulbs on. So the fixture was either all on or all off. I didn't like that as I wanted to have some actinic time w/no daylight bulbs.
  22. those from the pieces I gave you? Nice looking frags.
  23. I got this coupon offer today from ATL Corals so I wanted to see if anyone was wanting to do a group buy from there. Note: We have to order by 1.15 and the coupon offer does not apply to Super Sale items. Coupon Offer: $30 off any purchase over $150 $50 off any purchase over $250 If anyone is interested, please post your interest so we can see if it is worth while doing an order.
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