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Everything posted by mcallahan

  1. to try the fish hook idea you were talking about
  2. yes, she's getting it.
  3. wow! a payment plan! What reefer could resist that?! Good idea.
  4. Ok! I think you and I should just establish a line of credit as I give you $10, then you give me $10, then I give you $10...etc....
  5. yep. right now its keeping my plant upright after the windstorm last week. It'll be gone after tomorrow tho...
  6. I've got a couple of frags on my sandbed that I'd like to move 5 polyps of mustard yellow polyps attached to an abandoned hermit crab shell $10 2 chunks of Pink Jade. One on a frag disc that is starting to encrust, the other is not attached. Both are 1/2"-3/4" $10 for both 2 Blue tipped green slimer frags. On plugs. 3/4" to 1". $10 each.
  7. I"m gonna give it a go on Thursday and this weekend. My wrasse hates me (darts away whenever he sees me) so I think it will take a while jeremy... WE ARE SO FILMING FISHING IN YOUR TANK!!! It'll be a great subject for my show and we can even put a spin on it - "redneck reef keeping". Just wear a wife beater during the show and grab a lonestar...
  8. they didn't pick it up.
  9. I like the idea...less (simplicity) is always a bonus for me.
  10. I'm going the reactor route, but I've been told to get the large media so I have some coming on my BRS order. If you want the jug you gave me back, LMK.
  11. become a Rogaine spokesperson...!
  12. that's funny. People say the same thing about Macs in general. Then they get one and they go. "why didn't I do this earlier?" I just smile. Back to topic... ->
  13. dood! I have free media for you!
  14. As long as you don't show up in a corvette, it will fit in a car. I can leave it @ the mtg or it can be picked up.
  15. I eyeballed it to be 24"L 18"H 12"W
  16. bump...still got this thing...still want to get rid of this thing...
  17. Do you have E-ballasts? That seems to be the trick for the Reeflux 20K bulbs
  18. Cool! 0-60 in under 6...that's snappy Now use it come pick up your BRS order...!
  19. you tell someone what you want, pay them, then they order it as if they wanted what you ordered. That way it all comes to 1 person in 1 box. Then everyone splits the shipping cost.
  20. I've been watching ACIII's go for $300 on RC for the whole setup. Apex is the ACIII's replacement so it new is around $500 for the package(?).
  21. Or a ACIII/Apex. I'm setting up my AC III to control my reactor w/ 1 pH probe and monitor tank pH with the other. A good pH only controller is around $150 so why not spend another $100 and get a whole controller for the rest of your tank?
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