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Posts posted by dustint21

  1. There are alot of options out there. As you have stated is really depends on what you want to spend, and what you plan to keep. Wave box help give the corals and fish the natural flow they are used to. If you dont want to spend that kinda money you dont have to. Tons of people have just bought acouple hydro's and keep corals just like the people who have spent the money on the more high dollar equipment. Im always more parinoid about water quality than anything else. As long as you have a decent amount of flow you will be fine JMO!



  2. Ok time for a little update. I have got the tank full of water and most of my rock work done, Im not sure if anyone is ever really done aquascaping in this hobby! LOL! Anywayz I have been working on the canopy and getting my lighting figured out. One of my 400w ballast isnt working, so I will have to buy a new one or find parts for the one I have. The skimmer is working great! I am feeding it off of my overflow, so 1 less pump to worry about. I will get to the good part now. Here are a few pics. Sorry they are from my cell phone!






    Thanks for looking!


  3. They are very nice units! I would use them if they would come down on the price. The non directional flow is the real deal killer for me.

    I dont think its worth the money at all if you are already running a wave box. I would stick with a couple of Hydors #3 or #4 or maybe the modded Tunze 6025's. JMO.

  4. Yellow watchman is a great fish! They are not sandsifters but they do pair well with pistol shrimp.

    O and another fish thought.... how about other tangs??? I really like the PBT and the gold rim tangs.

  5. Maybe a trio of Anthias? Also with all of the nice acans you have in your tank I would strongly advise that you DO NOT put any sandsifters in your tank!!! I have had them and they are a PITA!!! They keep the sand looking great, but they cover EVERYTHING in sand. Ive had them completely burry acans overnight and losed them.


  6. Looking for sand for my new tank. Live, dead, new, used, or if you could point me in the right direction for some good prices somewhere that would be great too!!!



  7. Yep thats the one I plan to use.

    The tank has been tested! NO LEAKS! I will let it sit for 2 more day to be sure. The plan is to get it set in place this weekend. I hope to have it filled with water, rock, and sand by the July 4!!!! I will get some pics once it is moved into the house. Thanks for all the great feedback eveyone!

  8. Hey Daniel! Im planning to use a Tunze 6100. I have seen alot of them in action, and they seem to work very well. I dont like bubles, so a surge device is outta the questions. Thanks for the link I always enjoy reading new DIY's!

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