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Posts posted by reefman

  1. That is exactly waht is happening, and although it had registered in my mind that they had a dual nm reading, I dodn't know it was particular to each bulb nor did I know that was what the bulbs were doing. I turned it over at the suggestion of a customer at Steve's shop with the idea that if had burned out it might "migrate" back (he was an electrician, and said the phosperous in dual floursecent bulbs will do that). Of course nothing has changed and it does look like one is out on each side still. Is there anyway to be sure, or test it.


  2. Carlos,

    Have you had any issues with the bulbs going out quickly (blue actinics)? I have the OO 4' fixture on one of my tanks, and have had it less than 7 months, and I've already had the outer bulbs on the blue actinics (both at the same time) go out (BTW, I bought these b/4 I even knew RC existed). I wasn't very impressed by their customer service, either. It took Steve at Horizon pets over 2 weeks (closer to 3) just to get them to ship a replacement ballst, which we thought was the issue at first. It turned out to be both bulbs going out at the same time.


  3. Gabriel, I beleive I had asked to be next on the list. I think Mojo beat me to you by about 10 seconds.

    Also, thanks for the info about Tropic Marin. I had just posted a thread about that very same thing before I saw your post. Do you get it here at River City, or order it?


  4. I have less than a third of a bucket of the Oceanic Sea Salt mix left that I purchased with the first tank.

    Since I'm going to put getting the RO/DI unit up a running as the first priority now, I will be finishing off the sea salt mix a lot faster (won't be running to AA all the time to get top off and salt water from them).

    I've been trying to figure out what brand would be best, but as usual its confusing as ever. I know Tropic Marin is more expensive, but does that make it better?

    I would appreciate your recommendations.


  5. dieselndixie, got your response to my response. I meant to mention that if I had it to do over again, another option I would consider the CoralLife Aqualight Advance Lighting fixtures. After wrestling with the Outer Orbits, those little ones on the pendulum seem pretty nice. I understand you can get them now with the 14K bulbs (I understand the 20K ones will limit you to only growing deeper water corals).


  6. Gabiel,

    You are correct, no overflows. Thanks for the suggestion, even though my other tank has o/f, I hadn't considered I would need you for this one when I went to the sump system. Maybe I'll see Hobogato or Hammondegg at the meeting. Also, if either of you see this, please let me know so we might discuss.

    Thanks for the help. Gabriel.


  7. Great idea, and had at one time considered it. Couple of questions related to that one...

    Would an 18 - 20 inch length (about the same front to back distance, maybe a little more) be enough flow area for the refugium part?

    Would I have to get these custom made (or make them my self - not likely considering the time involved), or is there anything pretty close to that size ready made I could use?


  8. Another thing I forgot to add...sorry.

    I have a constant scum on the water surface as well. Not sure if this is related to the algae problem, the Prizm, or what. The Wave 2K keeps the surface pretty clear on the right side of the tank where it is, but not on the left, even though the Prizm (with surface skimmer attachment) is on the left.

    Is this related to the algae problem and previous suggestions/opinions, or something different?


  9. No luck on trying to search Reef Central. All I get is a page trying to get me to subscribe to their "Premium Service" so that I get higher priority on the search requests. That kind of ticks me off. Also did a search on Google for the Algae Gutter. No luck there either. Maybe one fo the other members has some info.

    I do plan on having a sump eventually, in fact I'm strongly leaning to the Eco-System style refugium/sump with some tyoe of Miracle Mud (or Fiji Mud) and either Chaeto or Culpera algae.

    However, before I can even consider that, I will need to modify the stand. It has two thick metal poles on each end, and a cabinet/pedestal in the center. That is where the problems start. Because of the center pedestal, there is only about 18 - 20 inches free space on each side of the pedestal. Looks great, but its functionality isn't worth a hoot. Like I said, it was my first, the wife loved it, and I didn't know any better.

    Long term plan is to buy two heavy capacity legs that I can adjust the height on (I actually found some that would work online, they are about $66 each). Plan would be to install the legs in the center, THEN remove the predestal/cabinet, thus opening up the bottom below the tank so that I could then put in a real sump/refugium. I played a little with the pedestal, and it appears that it IS helping to support the weight of the tank, so considering I'm playing with at least 800 lbs above this, although expensive this seems the best way to go. Each leg is rated to support up to 600 lbs, so I'm sure its overkill, but they look like they closely match the outer legs and would seem to be the safe way to go.


  10. What would be my options, since I don't presently have a sump (the stand this tank sits on makes a normal size sump impossible, w/o seriously modifying the stand). Are there any hang on the back skimmers that are any good?

    Any ideas on how ofte to clean the Ehiem, and any suggestions on maybe different media?

    Or does this all boil down to that I will eventually figure out a way to add a sump and larger skimmer to resolve all this?


  11. OK, already realized I probably left some things out. All the water I have used for the past 2 - 3 months I get from Austin Aquariums. Last Phospahte check I did over a month ago, I had some but it was low. I had taken another sample to AA to get an updated test, but don't have it yet. I have a Poly Resin filter in the Ehiem.


  12. Any help/ideas will be greatly appreciated. On my 90G Wave Front tank, I have a green algae problem that just doesn't ever seem to go away. The tank is about 6 months old. I have about 100 or so lbs of live rock, and about 40 lbs of live sand. Skimmer is a Prizm hang on the back, and I have an Ehiem Canister filter hooked up to it (this was my first tank).

    The algae seems to come on stronger, and fade off at times, but never seems to go away. The water doesn't seem like its clear most of the time either, except right after I've done a good size water change. I have 9 fish and about 16 corals, some zoo's, 2 clams, snails, etc.

    I supplement the tank with a variety of supplemts, mainly Kent and Red Sea, but never more than the directions say, and most times less. I try to feed the fish a few flakes in the moring b/4 work, then a main meal (John's Fishy Mix, Brine, Mysis, or another commercial food) in the evening. I feed the corals 2 - 3 times a week with phyto, zoo, and oyster eggs (added that just recently).

    Lights are the Current Outer Orbit Hilides/Actinics/Lunar set up.

    Like I said, I have the green algae on the glass, and unless the rocks have coraline, they have a definite green tint. I may have gotten some coraline growth on some of the rocks (I added additional live rocks that already had good coraline growth on them, but no growth on any of the glass or fixtures.

    Sorry if this was too long, but trying to provide all the info necessary. Let me know if I missed anything.

    Any ideas would be great appreciated.


  13. I'm going to a wedding tomorrow which is near the River Walk. We are going to leave early so we might hit a few SW Aquarium stores in SA on the way. Since I have never been to any stores outside of Austin (yes, I'm a newbie), does anyone have any suggestions on any that are not too far off the track on the way to DT SA?


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