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Posts posted by reefman

  1. Thanks Kingfish. It was actually the quick-connect fittings that were leaking, but re-seating them fixed that problem. I started running batches again this evening with the valve on the flow restrictor in the close position, and it seemed to be working much better, if not yet perfect.

    It looks like I got about 8 inches of waste water in the drum, it did stop on its on, and I got a little over 2 Gals out of the storage tank. I ran another batch a little while ago, but don't know how much RO/DI water I made yet on this batch.


  2. I'm starting a new thread on this because since the last thread, which I have re-read, I've done some further investigation.

    Also, I haven't seen the Bornman resutls, so if anyone does have that it would be great to post it.

    Also, I've read on some sites where they are apparently talking about "aging" the salt water mix before adding it to the tank? Can someone elaborate on that?

    Below is a summary (much of per the advertising, some from the comments from the previous thread). I would appreciate comments and opinions.

    I've also added Nature's Ocean Nutri-SeaWater to the list. Although not considered a salt mix, I would appreciate any one's comments, and opinions where it might be good to add every now and then on water changes for the bacteria.

    Tropic Marin ? levels match real sea water (rsw) levels, balanced, all 70 trace elements

    Red Sea Coral Pro Salt ? made for RO/DI water

    Calcium ? 420ppm at 1.021

    450ppm at 1.023

    480ppm at 1.025

    Have read where high Ca is not necessarily a good thing, although logic would seem otherwise

    Seachem ReefSalt ? enhanced levels of Ca, Mg, and Strontium, all essential trace elements

    High borate alkalinity levels mentioned, I assume this is bad

    AquaCraft Salt ? can?t figure out from the website which is the main sea salt product, seems to be 3 different ones, highest rating on supposed S-15 Report, used for years in

    public aquariums

    Reef Crystals (IO) ? not part of the consideration if I am looking to move to a ?higher quality? sea salt

    Nature?s Ocean Nutri*Seawater ? natural live ocean seawater, enriched with Ca and a bunch of other minerals, contains live ocean bacteria


  3. Not sure, but I might have figured it out (when in doubt, go back and read the instructions again, Duh!). There is a valve on the flow restrictor that might have been turned the wrong way (strange that they would ship it that way). I might have been "back flushing" it. I'll try it again tomorrow in the daylight and post an update.

    Thanks for every one's help.


  4. I got a little over 1 Gal with about 80 Gals or more of waste water. I was thinking, I didn't have the input (regular water faucet) all the way open, so could it be I didn't have enough pressure for the unit to be working right?


  5. I got a Mimic Goby (blue head, yellow body, dark blue strip down the body) when I was at Fin-Addict a couple of weeks ago, and he/she has gotten so fat it looks like its about to explode. I mean it has gotten a really, really fat belly. It seems to be eating fine, and does mostly what Gobies do, which is just hanging out.

    Is anything wrong with it?

    I lost a Powder Blue Tang in this tank a few days ago, so I'm a little antsy right now.


  6. Now I know for sure something isn't right. I turned off the input faucet, so there shouldn't be any water coming into the unit. I then got some 1 Gal jugs and started filling from the output faucet. I only got about 1.2 Gals before it stopped. I should have gotten at least about 3 Gals from the storage tank, since the storage tank is 3.2 Gals, correct?

    Any ideas?

    Also, once I get this all worked out, how is the best way to test the RO/DI water other than the test kits an hopefully getting all zero's on the tests. Is there a way, or some place I can take a sample to get more precise readings?


  7. I've gotten the leaks fixed and am making water. Thanks for the tip about re-seating the hoses, everything seems to be working fine now. Should have thought of that one on my own.

    A few more questions:

    The unit came with a 3.2 Gal storage tank. I have the input (i.e. outside water faucet) rigged so that I can leave it on all the time and the water can be diverted to the hose, or go straight to the RO/DI unit.

    Will the water stop coming out of the discharge line once the 3.2 Gal storage tank is full?

    So far, I have the discharge going into a 55 Gal plastic barrel. Figuring I make 10% RO/DI out of what is going in, I have gotten better than 55 gals of discharge water so far. Shouldn't the discharge have stopped by now, assuming the 3.2 Gal storage tank should be full, or is it now bypassing somehow and just running out the discharge line?


  8. I have an "off brand" RO/DI unit I'm trying to get set up (but all connections and hoses are standard), and a couple of the Quick-connect joints for the 1/4" hoses are leaking when water pressure is applied to the unit.

    Does anyone know any tricks to get these to stop leaking?

    Second question, if not, does anyone know where I can get the screw-on type of hose connectors (I think either the brand or type is called "Jaco"?


  9. I would like to help as well, John, just for possible future experience. I'm not normally a complete klutz on DIY either, and years ago in my old SCM days I made a complete upper body set of stainless steel plate armor ( fought in it for almost two years).

    Your not far away so let me know.


  10. I would like it as well. There are several things I would like to custom make, but since I have never worked with acrylic I would be reluctant to try. Seeing it done and getting some education on it would probably give me the confidence to give it a try.


  11. Gabriel,

    Do you use Xenia only, or have a micro algae like Cheato or Culperra with it as well. My corner tank has a sump, and instead of having bio-balls in it, I was told I might could re-arrange the chambers and at least have a small refuge in it. Along with possibly hanging a refuge on the sump, because of space issues with it, it might be about the only way I can get a refuge working with it.


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