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Everything posted by reefman

  1. What would be my options, since I don't presently have a sump (the stand this tank sits on makes a normal size sump impossible, w/o seriously modifying the stand). Are there any hang on the back skimmers that are any good? Any ideas on how ofte to clean the Ehiem, and any suggestions on maybe different media? Or does this all boil down to that I will eventually figure out a way to add a sump and larger skimmer to resolve all this? Stephen
  2. OK, already realized I probably left some things out. All the water I have used for the past 2 - 3 months I get from Austin Aquariums. Last Phospahte check I did over a month ago, I had some but it was low. I had taken another sample to AA to get an updated test, but don't have it yet. I have a Poly Resin filter in the Ehiem. Stephen
  3. Any help/ideas will be greatly appreciated. On my 90G Wave Front tank, I have a green algae problem that just doesn't ever seem to go away. The tank is about 6 months old. I have about 100 or so lbs of live rock, and about 40 lbs of live sand. Skimmer is a Prizm hang on the back, and I have an Ehiem Canister filter hooked up to it (this was my first tank). The algae seems to come on stronger, and fade off at times, but never seems to go away. The water doesn't seem like its clear most of the time either, except right after I've done a good size water change. I have 9 fish and about 16 corals, some zoo's, 2 clams, snails, etc. I supplement the tank with a variety of supplemts, mainly Kent and Red Sea, but never more than the directions say, and most times less. I try to feed the fish a few flakes in the moring b/4 work, then a main meal (John's Fishy Mix, Brine, Mysis, or another commercial food) in the evening. I feed the corals 2 - 3 times a week with phyto, zoo, and oyster eggs (added that just recently). Lights are the Current Outer Orbit Hilides/Actinics/Lunar set up. Like I said, I have the green algae on the glass, and unless the rocks have coraline, they have a definite green tint. I may have gotten some coraline growth on some of the rocks (I added additional live rocks that already had good coraline growth on them, but no growth on any of the glass or fixtures. Sorry if this was too long, but trying to provide all the info necessary. Let me know if I missed anything. Any ideas would be great appreciated. Stepehn
  4. We ended up getting by Fin-Addict yesterday and had a great time. Went in looking for corals and came out with 4 fish (2 neons, a starry goby, and a Red Sea Mimc Fang Blenny), and two pieces of orange sponge that Felipe just gave to me. What a great place! Can't wait to get back there. Stephen
  5. I'm going to a wedding tomorrow which is near the River Walk. We are going to leave early so we might hit a few SW Aquarium stores in SA on the way. Since I have never been to any stores outside of Austin (yes, I'm a newbie), does anyone have any suggestions on any that are not too far off the track on the way to DT SA? Stephen
  6. Sorry for my ignorance, but what is the CPR aquafuge? A refugium? Stephen
  7. I'm planning on bringing a couple of bags of chips, and a coupe of bottles of soda. I assume a couple of bags of ice would be in order too? JoeK, Is there anything else you need? Also, are you going to post a map or directions? Stephen
  8. Thanks again. Now I know what to keep a look out for. Stephen
  9. Thanks John, good advice. It's hard not to over supplement or over fed. You think you trying to give them everything they need so they can live and grow. I guess knowing when to cut back just comes with experience. Do you ever hand feed corals, or let them pick up their food from the water column? Stephen
  10. Thanks. Are they that more yellow color, or more red? Stephen
  11. I can bring some stuff. Just let me know what is needed (sodas, beer, hot dogs, whatever....) Stephen
  12. Yes, does anyone have any pics of red bugs? I have no idea what I should be watching for. A pic of any would be very helpful. Stephen
  13. John, How would you modify it for more coral (or as a hand feed coral mix)? Also, with this mix, would you then NOT treat the tank with trace elements, vits, amino acids, etc, but instead have them get everything from the food? I also assume you would still treat for Calcium and Mag? Also didn't see anything for Garlic. Do you add that to any of the mixes? Stephen
  14. Thanks to everyone for the ideas. Stephen
  15. I might take your offer up on some of the rock, although I've got about 200 lbs in the corner tank (92G), and over 100 lbs in the wave tank (90G). Gosh, in about 5 weeks no telling what those shroons are going to be doing. Have any frags you want to part with? Let's do this, if you have any frags (now or later) put me at the top of the list. If you have a container with some rock or rubble, let's hook up and you can come over and get some of the shroons. On this thread they say you can cut the tops off, put them in with rock, and they'll re-attach. It's not a long term solution for me, but these guys look like they are getting bigger and spreading on a daily basis. I need to do something soon. It's weird, some things I can kill off quicker than a New York minute. Other things, like shroons, Xenia, and this one Anemone I have grow like crazy. My email address is [email protected]. If you want some, let's try to do this over the holiday weekend. Stephen
  16. I would consider it, but here are some of the other things I'm thinking about. The rock with about 40 shroons on it, also has some zoo's that are getting crowded out by the zoo's, and what I think is a polyp of candy cane coral on it. I do have numerous other rocks with shroons on them. The other consideration is most of these rocks with shroons have a lot of coraline on them. Does your LR have coraline? Also, you said you "made 50lb". Does that mean you just have finished curing it, or is it synthetic? Stephen
  17. I have a new (second) tank I got a couple of weeks ago. Now that things have settled out, it looks like I'm soon to have a mushroom problem. A local shop owner has said I could trade them for other stock, so the question has two parts: How can I transplant them without removing the rocks they are on, and how can you control them? Also, I assume they will compete with the corals? Can they sting them? These are not Ricordia's, just the regular purple and blue ones. I have one that the stalk has to be several inches thick, and one rock that has over 35 on it. I have them scattered all through the tank. I might decide to give some away, but would like to try to transplant a lot of them so I could use the "trade" to re-stock the tank with fish over time. In the process of the tank I moved I lost 6 out of 7 of the fish. Any ideas? Stephen
  18. Just wanted to thank everyone, especially John for the great class (I've already fed my fish the mix, and they loved it), for the new glue (I''ve sucessfully gragged the tow new corals I got there), and to Carlos for the great door prozes. I really enjoyed getting the chance to meet everyone. Stephen
  19. Anyone have any idea approximately how long the meeting will go? I have to do some work this afternoon, but I'm trying to plan it around the meeting time so I can come. Stephen
  20. I'll give you a call during the day Saturday and see if we can meet up that evening. Thanks. Stephen
  21. I certainly don't want you to go to a lot of work at this point, but before I could go further to decide if I am interested, here are some of the things I would like to know: Does it come with a stand? You mentioned a refugium, I assume it does come with that? A general idea of the fish and corals (I understand he might not know the exact names, but since the picture is about 8 months old, would need a little bit better idea of what it comes with). I live in NW Austin and work in RR (Dell). I can be contacted directly at "[email protected]" if you wish to take this oiff the forum. Stephen
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