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Posts posted by reefman

  1. Plus 1 on the taller model, based on the limited amount of skimmer theory I know. Based on your post, type of skimmer, pumps used, type of pumps, and all that are the same? What type of skimmers are these?


  2. As an owner of a larger Deltec Ca reactor and a smaller one before that, I would NOT recommend Deltec. There quality and engineering are sound, but its my opinion that their customer support sucks. I and several others I know of have been very unhappy with the support we now receive. I don't know about the new equipment this new distributor is selling, and how well he supports it, but with us who bought the stuff some time ago, we are basically on our own. As another point, I hate the Aquabee pump Deltec uses, and recently did a mod on mine to replace it with an Eheim.


  3. You know what, this might not be a blue spotted jawfish after all, he could be a blue spotted goby (if there is such a name). He does spend most of his time in the cave, and only comes out when I feed twice a day. He does get bits of the fishy mix, but I've seen him also sift. he would still have his cave, however, at least until after I get the sand out I start washing the rock and/or replacing it. The new scape would still have plenty of caves.


  4. I'm not worried about it jumping because I already have screens on because of the 4 fairy wrasses I have. I'm more worried about whether he would be hurt because I see him getting a mouthfuls of sand and sifting it thru his gills. I was wondering if there is a nutritional thing he is getting from that.


  5. I have used Tunze for over a year but I am now going to try Brightwell's. I have also been curious about D-D's H2Ocean, but I am putting my faith right now in Brightwell's (if I ever can get any :-)


  6. I was also wondering what size it is, and I am as torn as you are.

    I'm in the process of totally pulling out my existing sand bed thru water changes, and once I get all of it out I will go bare bottom for a little while to make sure I get as much detritus as I can (including blowing out the live rock and "washing" it), but until I get all the sand out there isn't much use yet on working on the rock. It's after I get all this done that I'm still trying to decide then. Go with a new sand bed, try very fine CC, or leave it BB?

    BTW, does anyone know if a jawfish can survive without a sand bed?


  7. I got Mark's, Mitch's, Mike's, and my own orders in the cart. Sub total is $226, so we are over the free shipping threshold. I'm going to try to get this submitted tomorrow, so if anyone else wants anything you need to speak up now.


  8. Yep. I think I'll be getting a few other things too.

    If everybody could tell me the exact products they want, I'll start adding them to the cart to see where we are. Between you, me, and Guppy, we should be able to hit the $175.


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