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Posts posted by migs

  1. Looking to sell my Black Sun Coral - medium to large for $50. It is little more maintenance that I would like. Right now, it is eating mysis shrimp but it is a bit of a pain to get them to come out and then accept the shrimp. Anyone interested?

    It is a little hard to see but it is on the right of the picture:


  2. I just got a brand new black sun coral... I was being very careful handling it, but it slipped and was falling but I caught it. Unfortunately some of the edges around the polyps were damage and showing skeleton and a piece of the branch is showing white underneath... I placed it back up and just left it alone... anything I can do to help it recover?

  3. Wow... you guys were right! My LFS told me I did not have to spot feed them, so I would only put some cyclopeze in the water and that is it. It is still early but after a couple of days of spot feeding, the Acans are puffing up and responding well... Thank you.

  4. Anyone have any tips or tricks for keeping Acan brains? It is not puffy - just very flat... everything else is doing fine like our trumpet coral...

    Here are my parameters:

    pH: 8.2

    NO2: 0

    CA: 480ppm

    KH: ~ 12 dKH

    Any suggestion on how to save these little guys?

  5. I have read about bubble and hair algae, but I thought it was always green. Is this just a red algae? I checked phosphate levels and they are fine and never use tap water. I have 2 scarlet hermit, 2 margarita, 4 nerite, 3 blue legged hermit in a 29g biocube... anything else I should get?



  6. I followed them... they went to several different spots... even what look to be bare rock. The strange thing is now they are all gone. At one point, it looked like there were over 15 different hair like things in the water... now they are all gone.

  7. I notice this hair like stuff in my 29g biocube... it was coming from everywhere... live rock, sand, etc. I thought it was a human hair but it just broke up when i tried to grab it. A one point, the aquarium was covered with it, then it all started breaking off and disappearing... what is this stuff? is it a spaghetti worm?



  8. Update - I check my nitrate and they are definitely rising. I did notice some white, spider web like fungus growing all over my rocks. From the different posts, it sounds like the cycling process is well under way. I have read different things as to leaving the fungus or removing it... lets see what happens.

    Also, thank you for the podcast - very nice idea!

  9. Just curious as to people's thoughts on clean up crews. I hear everything from the standard snails/hermits to more exotic like the tuxedo urchin. From what I read, it looks like it depends on the type of algae you may have, but I am curious as to what people think is the best, generic (all-purpose) clean up crew. Thanks.

  10. greenish slimy huh... sounds like cyano bacteria. is it a disgusting mat that has bubbles in it, or is it green slimy leaves?

    Not sure - there are some slimy leaves... but more like a mat covering everything... here are some pics:



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