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Posts posted by migs

  1. +1 on leave him alone... I use to go in there and free him up because I thought he was stuck, but I later found they never get stuck and are usually molting or just parking themselves and were always able to get themselves out.

  2. Same thing happened to me and my clown fish... I finally went to Home Depot and got a piece of plexiglass. I used a drimmel tool to cut it to fit as a well between then main tank and the false chambers. I later found that media baskets makes one so I bought it as part of a kit. I still have my original if you want it... It is for a biocube 29g but you can cut it down... Let me know if you want it.

  3. Glass-holes.com was the only place I found as well... the nice thing with them is that it is a complete kit with drilling bit. They also have a $10 cover that gives it a nice, polished finish/look... I was concerned about drilling, but I contact the company, and they have a kit that prevents leaks with the drilling is not perfect... i haven't drilled mine yet but definitely interesting.

    The only other option is to go through your LFS and custom order which is more expensive and still need to drill if the hole aren't there yet...

  4. I am orderig a custom tank that will primarily be view from the front, but the back will be visible too just not that convienent to sit and watch. I was thinking of an island overflow, but I am a little concerned that fish will hide on the back or space would be wasted since you cannot sit and enjoy. Any experience or opinions on island overflows?

  5. I am looking to order a 36"x24"x22" custom aquarium for a new build I am itching to start. I have looked at several tanks as well as custom manufacturers and found that Cadlights and Aquarium Illusions have the best prices. Does anyone have any experience as to the quality or customer service to either one of these manufacturers? Thank you.

  6. I am looking to clean up my display tank and move my small frags (that my wife is bugging about) to a new tank. I am looking to build a frag tank, but I thought I would ask about experience and thoughts people might have... What is the depth of the frag tank - 6" or 8"? Also, would LEDs be sufficient? Any substrate needed? What about clean up crew? Any experience and thoughts would be appreciated... Thank you.

  7. I have been working on my 29g Biocube for almost two years and am looking to upgrade. I was looking at the Red Sea Max 250 but for the cost, I feel I can get a better aquarium if I build or put together one on my own.

    However, the problem is, I am not sure where to start. I am looking for 55g to 65g Reef aquarium with fuge, sump, the works... does anyone have or know of any online blueprints or specs? Thank you.

  8. Looking to sell my Black Sun Coral - medium to large for $50. It is little more maintenance that I would like. Right now, it is eating mysis shrimp but it is a bit of a pain to get them to come out and then accept the shrimp. Anyone interested?

    It is a little hard to see but it is on the right of the picture:


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