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Posts posted by chark

  1. There is wet skimming and dryer skimming. To get dark colored skimate you need to dry skim. This means only the foam comes to the top and goes over. You can wet skim if that is your preference. to get it set just requires patience. when you first set it have the foam come up 1/4 to 1/3 of the inside of the cup. Then wait and see if it collects. If not raise the level a cm or 2.


  2. The tetra KH test kit is inexpensive and suppose to work well. I also will be changing all my test kits since all but Mg are API. Aquatek caries the elos. They are kind of expensive but killing my corals would be much much worse. Would you recommend elos for Ca.

  3. My coral have been looking a little off. So I took my water to Aquatek and asked them to check my water. I found that my KH was 5. My API test kit said it was 8. The kit was only one month old. I bought a new test kit from Aquatek. I will dose to get it back to 8.

    Thanks Bruce.

  4. I also have been reading and want to start vodka dosing, vsv or vgv. (vgv: vodka glucose vinegar) I read that glucose causes less problems. What is your formula? What I remember is that vsv was recommended as like 90% vodka, 10% vinegar and 2 teaspoons of sugar for 250 ml of solution or 90% vodka, 10% vinegar and 6 teaspoons of glucose for 1000 ml solution.

    Would like to hear what you are doing Andrew.

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