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Everything posted by Dena

  1. Yeah, it could definitely be used as a frag tank. Last summer I used it to quarantine the stuff I collected from the coast. The lighting is not good for SPS, but LPS and softies would work. The light works great, bulbs turn on, they are just old and I would recommend replacing them. If you wanted to set it up quickly and then replace, they would be fine for that. Dena
  2. 20 gallon long tank, back is black. Comes with a light, not sure of the brand. It fits perfectly on the tank with mounting legs. Light consists of a 65W actinic, 65W 12K daylight and each end has two blue LED night lights. All three lights have their own power switch. Bulbs need to be replaced, but the fixture is in excellent condition. Has a small heater and a HOB filter that is rated for a 10g, but will work if you change the filter often. I used this to keep some live rock alive. It also has a little bit of black and white sand and some rock rubble if you want it...not enough to fill the whole tank...only about half. Asking $100. Dena
  3. Dena


    Wish I could get the chili pepper and a poseidon polyp, but my new car cleared out my savings...for the next two months at least
  4. Placed our order last night...can't wait...now we just need to figure out where to put the new RO/DI system...I don't think this one will fit under the sink. I am sure hubby will be making me walk across the house with water buckets!
  5. I guess my order went through last night: 30 dwarf cerith - $6 5 blue leg hermits - $2 10 Nassarius - $4 4 Medium Nerites - $2.32 1 Reef Pods - $11.99 1 1penny Macro - $.01 1 Gracilaria - $4.49 1 Dried Whole Nori 3oz bag - $9.99 Total - $36.72
  6. I tried to place an order, but it wouldn't accept my credit card...will try again later. I just placed a large order at Bulk Reef so my cc company may be trying to play it safe.
  7. I might be able to sneak in an order.
  8. If you end up parting out, I'd be interested in the two powerheads....
  9. Did you get my PM the other day???
  10. Man I was not expecting a response like that...too dang funny!!!
  11. Gabe...VERY nice...I want one!!!!!! LOL.
  12. Will do tonight...work is busy today.
  13. We're in! Hubby is getting probably the most expensive RO/DI unit...costs like $400.
  14. Dena

    RO/DI Systems

    Most people...that would be me LOL. I'm gathering all info. and giving it to hubby...thanks for the input!!!!!
  15. Dena

    RO/DI Systems

    I'll sick my hubby on their site tomorrow and will let you know.
  16. Dena

    RO/DI Systems

    Thanks...sent hubby their info. He's going to have to make the call because I don't understand anything about how they work and the verbage often used when discussing them. I try real hard, but nope LOL.
  17. My Perc beat the crap out of a maroon I added. I moved a nem on each side of the tank and he slowly started to leave the maroon alone, but by that time it was so stressed it got ich and croaked anyway.
  18. Mine took a trip through the power head...now I have the base with a couple little pink bubbles It's still alive though...
  19. We are going to be in the market for a new RO/DI system and want to know which one would be the best one to get with the highest output and least amount of waste. We currently have a Coralife 150gpd unit. One of the containers has a small crack and a slow leak...not a big deal except that we keep it under our counter. So when the filters needs to be replaced, we're getting a new one. So which one is it? Thanks everyone! Dena
  20. I want to get in on this also...was hoping another order was coming up soon!!! Dena
  21. Dropping the price of these - $10 for the bigger piece of the first two (keeping the small one) and $10 for the Tri-Color. $15 for both.
  22. Purple Deaths sold... Still have the Mohawks and they already have two new baby polyps starting.
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