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Posts posted by BobcatReefer

  1. I have it on my rocks too, but it's much easier to see, and more dense, on the overflow box. Not nearly so much so on the rock. What worries me is that I haven't seen any pods since it showed up, which I find odd, and not particularly logical.



  2. So I did this test yesterday and it doesn't really reform into "snot" it just stays broken up. I've been searching online more to ID it and the closest things I can find is maybe chrysophytes or calothrix.

    Any progress here? I'm following along as I think I have something similar.


  3. I'll be at the Singapore Grand Prix on the 17th and in San Marvelous hosting a huge reunion tailgate for the UH beatdown of my Bobcats on the 24th. Would be available to help through Sep 5 (Labor Day).

  4. (PS - useful ARC site tip - you can use the 'Edit' button to correct or add to your posts if you like)

    He's trying to get his post count up so he's not a noob anymore! grin.pnggrin.png

    Dig the lid on the sump. Did you just get that glass custom cut and put a handle on it? Pretty slick.

  5. Could use some guidance on Alk and Ca levels, both optimal and maintaining. Apologies for using PPM - I know most of you use dKH.

    I had been dosing Seachem Fusion 1&2 15ml every other day, but was kinda lax on testing and when I started paying more attention, I found my Alk was 124-136 and my Ca was up at 600.

    I've stopped dosing the SF1 and Ca was 600 on the 5th, 570 on the 8th. What should I be aiming for? Seems like I can maintain Ca a little easier by reducing to 3-5ml once a week or so.

    Alk is much more annoying. I'm testing, dosing 10ml, then testing 6-9 hrs later...results are less than consistent. Up a little, up a lot, down? Again, what should I be aiming for?

    Here's where I'm at the last 5 days:

    139, 140

    142, 161

    156, 155

    150, 157

    148, 154

    146, 164


  6. Nice manifold!

    Some folks will cycle w/ a cheap fish or two, but that's rough on the fish. Plus, it's usually done w/ a damsel and if the damsel survives the cycle, you're stuck w/ a damsel in your tank.

    • Like 1
  7. Not exactly livestock, but feeds your livestock. Bought this back when I had a bunch more fish and was overfeeding the heck out of them. Probably used 1oz of the 16oz pack.

    PM please. I can meet to deliver anywhere w/i: Arboretum > Parmer/35 > Ben White > 360 > Arboretum




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