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Posts posted by 4R00P3R

  1. If your new to saltwater I recommend going with the largest possible tank because it is easier to throw off the chemical balance when you're working with just a few gallons, but if you screw up with 75 or 90 it will be easier to fix.

  2. I'm looking for a used box. I'm really short on cash right now, although I hooked up the new pump and the old overflow is draining enough water. I hope there's not something wrong with the pump.

  3. Welcome! ^_^

    GKarshens is right, some of those fish do get big... The Blue throat, for example, is a really cool fish, but we've we've got one here thats easily 7-8 inches already. We have most of the fish on your want list in the store, you should bring the ones you want to trade in for some store credit. ^_^

    -Kat :D

    I already have:

    Dragon Goby

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Ocellarius Clown Pair

    Blue Throat Trigger Pair


    Sailfin Tang

    I have found a buyer for the others unless you can offer more than $45

  4. when you turn off the pump your hose turns into a syphon that sucks aquarium water back into your pump and into the sump. a syphon break is a hole in your return spout very near the top of the water. now when you turn off the pump the hole will suck in air to your sump, and not water.

  5. I have a red sea sailfin, what would you be willing to trade? I am not needing/wanting any of the fish you listed.

    How old/big is it? Is it captive bred? Unfortunately I have been told that is the last fish I should add from my list. I don't have much else, especially for trade. My tank is fairly new and I don't have any frags. Sorry.

  6. I have:

    Scooter Blenny -up 4 trade/sale

    4-eyed Butterfly -up 4 trade/sale ASAP

    Cleaner Wrasse -up 4 trade/sale

    Sailfin Tang -possible trade/sale

    I want:

    Desarjinii Tang

    Carpenter's Wrasse

    Barred Spinefoot Rabbitfish

    Corals, Mushrooms, Inverts


    Let me know what you want and/or have and we can arrange a trade and/or purchase.

  7. I've been with the hobby for about a year. I have a 105 tall with an Oceanic model 2 sump. I'm still eager to learn more. I stocked my tank a little too quickly and need to find out how to catch some fish to trade or sell without dismantling my rockwork. Any advice?

    I have:

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Scooter Blenny -up 4 trade

    4eyed Butterfly -up 4 trade ASAP

    Dragon Goby

    Cleaner Wrasse -up 4 trade

    Sailfin Tang

    I want:

    Dragon Goby

    Lawnmower Blenny

    Mandarin Dragonette

    Ocellarius Clown Pair

    Blue Throat Trigger

    Dwarf Lion





  8. In regards to the ocean current, water is constantly circulating in massive volume, but the new water is not any cleaner, it is still used ocean water. The problem starts when we overstock a tank. All filtration in the ocean is organic; there is no such thing as water changes with "new" water.

  9. I will have a Mag12 available on Saturday from a setup I am buying. They are good pumps but add quite a bit of heat and suck power like there's no tomorrow. I am not going to use it on my setup and will be selling it for $50. I will shoot pics of it when I get it and test it.

    Let me know as soon as you get it and I will bring you the $50.

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