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Posts posted by Dogfish

  1. They like to live in holes.  They can swim a bit odd at times. Upside down ecttt... If that was not the case, it might have been injured in a power head. One of mine insists on going into an MP60 at night to sleep when its not on. To eliminate disease as the cause, I agree with Timfish. QT at least 2 weeks. TTM and a dose of prazi pro at the min.

  2. I have 3 new optical sensors connected to an FMM. They are dry now and I believe show closed in fusion. See picture.


    #2 is in my skimmer slime jug and needs to shut off my skimmer if it gets too full and I forget to look. What would the programing look like?

    If SWX7_2 OPEN Then 3_8 OFF (this is the skimmer pump)

    If SWX7_2 OPEN Then 4_1 OFF (this is the skimmer air pump)


    Will the device number work (3_8) and (4_1) or do I need to use the name I made up?

    Also the other 2 sensors are in my ato and mixing containers. I can use them to shut off the 24v power to the RO/DI solenoid when they get full? Should this be done at the DB8 outlet number?

    If SWX7_1 OPEN Then 4_7 OFF (4_7 is the brick for the FMM power)

    If SWX7_4 OPEN Then 4_7 OFF (4_7 is the brick for the FMM power)

    Should I have the FMM do it. If i go the FMM route what would the programing look like?


    My RO/DI comes on for a short period of time each day to replenish to ATO container and put some water in my mixing barrel. The process  is not sensor driven. These are back ups in case something goes a miss.

    Screen shot 2018-06-16 at 3.26.59 PM.png

  3. I decided to go with some cryptic sponges and other creatures that live in the dark to help with filtration. I found this water plant basket for ponds. It has a billion holes for water flow. My sump does not have a light and its pretty dark under the tank. I can place this in the middle chamber with some broken up rock rock. Add the cryptic sponge seeder rocks. It should slow down the flow and block light for anything inside.  Does anyone see any reason this will not work????



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  4. 4 hours ago, Wolfreef74 said:

     Anyone have premix saltwater. Was goin to make some somehow my salt has got hard due to come contact with Wetness from the cup i used so its hard as rock tossed it out. Anyone can help me out will be greatly appericated thanks...

    Oh i forgot There is a petco just up the street from you. I know they have have salt but they do charge for it.

  5. We have tried this dance before and nothing ever happened. I have 2 50gal bag of IO salt i will sell ya cheap . I also have 60 gallons of salt water to do a water change about 3:30. I could spare some for a price.

  6. Update. Still have cyano. Last week I added some macro algae. 2 sample packs from GCE. Red and Halimeda. The sand sifter keeps uprooting the shaving brushes. One has put on the beginings of a new head. I think its a new head??? The poor plant has been sideways more that upright so the growth is at 90º to the first head. Also a shout out to subsea for turning me on to a few macros he had growing. Where I placed them, they block light on the sand bed so the cyano is not growing as fast. Will order some more. Plus and the green hair stuff is growing. New tanks will do that I hear. Red and green , looks like Xmas. I ordered some snails and some tuxes. Not sure if this is a good move. If they eat too much, then more nutrients for the cyano. More guess work. Been feeding a little heavy. Nitrate test is now light pink where before it was clear, no color at all. PO4 is .14ppm. Not too bad. Will cut back a little on the pellets . Not a big fan of them, they were freebies. Got some sticks to go on the rocks from Mr Jolt. After 2 days they still have color. "Its Alive"..



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  7. Silicone will not stick to acrylic for very long.  Why do you ask. If its seam welding for a sump, as mentioned above you will be using solvent to melt the pieces together. You can look at my thread for the 500 and see how i did the sump and tank. I used  a 2 part (Sci Grip #40) because I could not get bubble free seams with the water thin (Sci Grip #4) on the thicker acrylic. Timfish said it was stronger, I listened to his advice. If you are doing a new one in glass then  RTV103 silicone is a good one.

    • Like 1
  8. Lookin good.

    I do sump water changes.  I have an extra pump in my sump for just this, cause 50 gallons is a lot of water. I guess you could "T" off your main pump. I fill 2ea 30 gallons brutes in the back of my truck and  dump it down the road rather in my septic. Helps keep the gravel dust down. I marked the sump water level with everything turned off. I turn on the extra pump that pumps the water out of the sump. Its plumbed to a hose near the garage. Once the 30's are pretty full I stop. I then pump in my new mixed water and fill to the mark. Turn everything back on and am done. Just a turn of a few ball valves and let the pumps do the work.

    • Like 2
  9. 22 minutes ago, Bpb said:


    I’m the literal antithesis of the whole idea of “I want to stay in the know on every brand new product and device and constantly rotate out the newest of everything and change my “method” every couple months based on some new idea” type reefer.


    I know exactly .......I used to be on the cutting edge. Apple beta tester and all that stuff. Finally one day I too got tired of "cuttin edge' and went for "workablity". Now I dont have to threaten my computer with a hammer. Its just works. Maybe its old but at least I can get stuff done.

  10. They just dont build stuff to last any more. I guess they figure every ones got money, so they will just buy new when the old breaks. Example: I took my new MP60's apart just to see how they worked, Ended up placing spacers inside to help rid the things of slop. Im sure I voided the warranty.  If I had  a proper machine shop i could rebuild it to last a long time. If a crankshaft on a car had that much slop, you prob could not even drive it out of the showroom.

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  11. I live in Wimberley. I do have 1 small piece that is about 10 lbs. You understand it is live rock with only bacteria on it. It has no other organic material growing on it. It is also creature free. No pods ect....  I will have to go to San Marcos some time in the future. PMessage me if you are still interested

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