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Chad and Belinda

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Everything posted by Chad and Belinda

  1. Happy Birthday Shawn!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day today!
  2. are heading home from an awesome trip!!!

  3. Here is a pic of our tank from about 6 months ago. This is a good example of the rock I am selling. A lot of it is the rock I am selling.
  4. Happy Birthday to a GREAT friend!!!! :yahoo: I hope you had a WONDERFUL birthday! Glad we could spend it with you and your wonderful family.
  5. I'm not sure where it's from. It's a mix (I would guess). It's typical for what you see in reef tanks. I'm out of town right now but I'll see if I can't locate a tank shot for you and post it.
  6. are in Port A!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. August


      Have fun take lots of pics use lots of sunscreen :) wish we could be there too!!!

    3. Robb in Austin

      Robb in Austin

      C&B; on our way in the am. TSA on Fri? The Boy doesnt want to go. Will check in AM.

    4. Chad and Belinda

      Chad and Belinda

      Mama and A&J, really wished y'all could have made it. Robb, see ya soon.

  7. Will hold till we get back with payment via paypal.
  8. We recently added some larger pieces of live rock to our tank and need to get rid of what was in there previously which range from medium/large to small. All of this came from our tank and has been there for quite some time. There is no hair algae on it what so ever. Very porous and plenty of purple on it. Great looking pieces that would look good in your tank. $2.25 per lb Will hold with paypal payment.
  9. Andrew, Can you send me a pic of the yellow polyps? Thanks...Chad
  10. Congrats Chris and Lissa!!!! Chad and I wish you the very best in your new life together!
  11. Yeah...welcome to my life. Now that we re-aquascaped (including getting rid of all crushed coral) we have a lot of space to fill. On top of that, all we have is a lot of smaller rock which doesn't help so I'll have to get rid of that too later. We need bigger pieces than what we have. I've always been a huge fan of Danny's tank so this is great timing for us.
  12. I am one of the Minions...LOL I promise we are really nice people
  13. Jeremy has some BEAUTIFUL corals. Great prices for such wonderful corals.
  14. Congrats Brooks!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Brooks


      Definitely! With a license, my tank is going to overflow!

    3. KaceyJ


      heheh, good thing, her house is the last one you wanna drive to without a license :D

    4. Brooks


      Too true! Haha :P

  15. Please put me down as a backup for the jokers
  16. Sorry guys...he is currently residing over at River City. Yes...they are good sand sifters and he is a pretty big guy.
  17. Gone! Thanks Efrain. Chris...you're more than welcome to come by once things get settled.
  18. I have a large pink spotted goby for sale... $15 or will trade for some zoas that we don't have or an sps frag.
  19. Looks like today was the day for AC issues...it's good to have a retired AC guy in the family!! :o)

  20. As of right now...not sure. May just do bare bottom.
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