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Posts posted by xcreonx

  1. Could be species-specific indeed.

    English lesson time!

    Interestingly, the English plural of Octopus is actually Octopuses... or you could use the original Greek plural form of Octopodes.

    Octopi is actually a Latin-plural bastardization of the Greek word Oktopous, and is not correct.

    confused2.gif blob7.gif happy2.gif

    <Grad school is a disease....>

  2. Well hopefully someone will take care of it. It's a shame aquarium stores carry such fragile animals and won't educate the buyer on it's care.

    "Most only live months in the wild" - I haven't heard this before? Do you mean their life-span is only a few months or they die prematurely from predation or other such causes? Seems kinda strange, since it wouldn't reach maturity long enough to procreate if it only lived a few months naturally..... just curious :D

  3. I've tried transplanting them and never had any luck. The good thing with these seeds is that they are ready to plant in whatever substrate you want. They don't really have a preference as seeds, but once they have rooted they are very picky.

    I'm looking for frags of anything interesting: lps, softy, zoas, etc. No SPS though :D

  4. I've got a handfull of Red Mangrove seeds for trade. Will trade for small frags. They range in size from 4-5" up to 10". They are ready to be planted. Here's what I've got:


    I have a bucket-full that I planted last fall. Here's what they look like at a year old:



  5. The Xenia will certainly overtake that acro, which has a very weak sting.

    Try getting underneath the xenia with a flathead screwdriver, taking a small sliver of rock with it. Blunt Xacto knives work well too.

  6. I had one in my early days of reefing as well. It roamed at will, decided to broadcast spawn about a million little white eggs then died behind some rocks effectively nuking my 29g tank.

    I agree with taking to to a LFS.

  7. I have a brand new 58g Oceanic for sale (36"L x 18"W x 20"H). Still has the stickers on it. No scrathes, never been filled up.

    It has the Oak trim, and tempered glass on the bottom. No overflow or holes (yet :D )


    I am willing to drive and meet anyone 1/2 way. San Antonio or even Houston. Questions?

    I'll get a photo tomorrow!

  8. Shouldn't be a problem. Most sand-dwellers are good to have. Think of them as more cleanup crew. If you want to be sure check out Dr Ron's forum on Marinedepots threads, he truly know all.

  9. What water did you keep them in on the way home? Was it ocean water?

    Ocean water will foul within minutes to hours, depending on what's in it (plankton, contaminates, etc.). I can't tell you how many times I collected stuff, like shrimp, in Florida only to find it dead 20 minutes later when I got home. The best thing to do, albeit the biggest pain in the a-- is to bring synthetic water with you and acclimate everything to that water. It's a pain, but it works! Everything I collected with synthetic has lived, even coral and inverts. I would take jugs of it and keep it on the boat with a small airpump/airstone going.

    Another thing we'd do is rig the livewell on the boat with baskets to keep small collected animals in. It wasn't ideal, but worked too.

  10. Yeah i'm happy with it so far.

    I did get the Red Sea deluxe unit with the probe and controller and the air dryer.

    It is interesting, and very gratifying, that the ph has remained stable as the ORP has rise quite dramatically. I'll be bumping it up into the mid-300s this next week.

    I don't think you need to worry about water 'too clean' for your softies. I have nothing but LPS and softies that supposedly love dirtier water and they are doing wonderful. I do feed them however. I have oyster eggs and other such food for them. And remember many of the common softies live in and amongst the cleaner-water-lovin' SPS on the reef.

  11. Is your ph still low and your alk still high as it was in your other thread? What about nitrates?

    Snails and shrimp are VERY sensitive to these. The shrimp need a slow drip acclimation to your water.

    It is possible that a banded shrimp attacked the pistol, as they can be territorial especially in 3g tanks! But I would look at the ph and the acclimation method. Get the ph straightened out first before any new additions.

  12. Hi Mike.

    I haven't had any nuisance algae. The tank is new, only 3 months old, but everything is from my old 180g that was up for many years, so I didn't have a cycle or anything. I do get phyto growing on the walls, and the occasional dinos on the sand (the only nuisance that has popped up since setting the tank up, but only a little here and there).

    I think it's too early to determine the effect of the ozone on the phyto blooms, if there will even be an effect. Same with the dinos and any other algae that may pop up.

    The unit is small, maybe 7"x7"x3" so it doesn't take up much space at all.

    I am using a Deltec AP600 recirculator skimmer fed directly from one of the overflows. WAY too big for my tank... I had bought it for a 65g SPS tank I was gonna setup before I moved (but never did), and I didn't want to get another skimmer so I slapped it on the 35g. I tell you, it skims at least a cup of crap a day! It's rated for a 200g tank!

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