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Everything posted by ACampbell

  1. Loving mynew MBP!

    1. JamesL


      Get a quad core one? I am loving mine!

    2. Mindflux
    3. diabeetus


      arent they great?!?

  2. ACampbell

    Ugly Fish

    © Andrew Campbell

  3. What was wrong with windows 95? It worked.
  4. I made some changes that should help. If you're still not seeing the mobile version please let me know exactly what phone, OS, browser, user agent you are using and I will check into it. Please include version numbers.
  5. Its not that the site is catering to only iPhones, it's just the droids user agent is ambiguous and therefore extremely hard to serve. Im sure the developers will have a fix up their sleeve soon. In the mean time you can try the work around mentioned.
  6. Thank you for letting me know. I will investigate.
  7. I agree. I hope to have a better solution to get to the mobile skin for ya very soon.
  8. I'm not sure I can. My friend just showed me that the user agent of the browser can be changed in the settings.
  9. I just learned you can specify your user agent on the EVO (neat)! If you'd like ARC to serve the mobile template make sure your using a known mobile user agent, such as iphone.
  10. It should be automatic, but if your cookies have set you to view the full version you'll need to clear your cookie cache. Problem is that logs you out of everything that's cookied prior. I wish you could chose which cookies to clear out. In iOS 5 you can clear specific cookies. I've seen a lot of complaints on IPB about the mobile version being wonky in switching back and forth, so I'm betting they release a fix for this soon. On the mobile template, click on the bock with four squares in the top right, then click on sign in. It will take you to a new screen for log in. I will try and test on a friends EVO if I can.
  11. I switched you back to the main template. As for you phone, try and delete your cookies (if possible) and revisit.
  12. It appears this is fixed. Please try again and let me know the result. Any other members getting the error now?
  13. Confirmed, its a bug affecting the members group. I put in a ticket with support.
  14. Just an FYI, Tapatalk has not yet released an upgrade that is compatible with the latest version of our forum software. When it's out, I'll be sure and apply it.
  15. Think I got everything working now. It was a fairly big upgrade so let me know if you find any bugs.
  16. I will have the mobile version back soon. Right now its turned off.
  17. I am still ironing things out guys.
  18. Yes the limit is 10 images per post. Valid extensions gif,jpeg,jpg,png. Please PM if it is still not working for ya.
  19. Hey Aqua SD, I will get that changed for you. Please PM me if needed. Andrew
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