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Posts posted by OU12004

  1. Just replaced my Reefbreeder photon’s after 6 years with the Photon V2+. One side was flickering to a lower power so I had to make the switch. I am hopeful that my SPS will start coloring up with this new light. I also broke down my bio-reactor and cleaned all the parts, so should should see a little lower nutrients. On a side note how long does it take for the base of SPS colonies to regain color? 


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  2. Finally getting some progress on the frag tank. Things have stabilized so well that my alk consumption has jumped from 0.5 dKh/day to 1.7 dKh/day. I've been manually hand dosing to keep up until it reaches a steady uptake rate and then I'll match my kalk dosing to it.

    For those looking for frags, be ready to load up at C4! For my previous and current real estate clients, come get your free frags or pick them up at C4.ce07b7c637174fcb236512192abd3e70.jpg

    Nice your frags are bigger than my colonies. Almost makes me want to stop doing water changes.
  3. I picked up a Zoa morph that was growing in between 2 colonies and I was hoping the new growth would be the morph but it looks like the new growth is one of the originals colonies. I also have a mostly black Darth Maul with just a little orange that I hope the new polyps grow black. Has anyone grown morphs or do they need both colonies to continue growing morphs?


  4. Wow, I had just read a thread on another forum talking about exactly this. There was some talk about starting a known database about which ones are toxic and the level of risk associated with each. Glad you are feeling better and for sharing, if it happened to you with your experience, it can happen to anyone.

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  5. I have a large and small Meleagris leopard and an Ornatus leopard, mine do not eat pellets but do pick at the rocks all day. They also eat Mysis and Cyclopeeze. You could order a bag of pods and dump them in at night before you left on your trip and they should have plenty to hunt until you get back

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