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Everything posted by Funkness

  1. Agreed i would prefer to ordsr on friday because of a tank o am setting up for a friend as well
  2. How soon is everyone eles looking to make this Order? A target date to make the order be awseome maybe a week from friday? To have orders in by?
  3. Depending on when we do the order i am good
  4. I am looking to get some cleaners as well so if we get a few more people we could try getting a reefcleaners group buy going
  5. Funkness

    sea hare

    looking.to get a sea hare for some lha i have in one of my tanks let me know whatcha got
  6. I have 4 spots should i mix match colors or?
  7. hey guys just wondering amyone know a good brand / which type of vhos replacement bulbs i should try i have no idea how long these bulbs have been.in there they put.out a good amount of light but the corals just arent looking that well not talking sick looking but.kind of hoping to find a set that will make them pop more i know leds are they way to go but will be useing these on another one of my tanks after i get the leds so ya any ideas?
  8. sad day yellow eyed tang gone but on a better note got 2 other fish one for me and one for the wife so she doesn't notice i got one for me :):)

  9. Is Really Hoping the LFS has the Yellow Eyed Tang after work TY Allen for letting me know about it :)

  10. Just want to wish everyone a happy halloween :)

    1. (Bio)³


      Happy Halloween!

    2. KimP


      Happy Halloween!

  11. Can i get your number please maybe we can make a deal
  12. i had a dream last. ight that i came home and someone had broken in and stolen all my liverock and livestock. i don't know if i should be worried or not.

    1. JamesL


      That would be some tricky stealing!

    2. Funkness


      The bad part is i woke up wondering how i could set it up better then it was before!!!

    3. JamesL


      Ah... it led to an upgrade dream, see it all turned out for the good :)

  13. How much and how many heads can i get from you and thanks bio i pmd him
  14. Darth Maul Neon clove Orange bam bam Rainbow Hulk Eagle eye Dragon fly Let me know what you have and how much per head thanks 6056613035
  15. What are the demensions of it cause i am considering it lol
  16. I got a friend who needs one told him to just drill.the tank and be done with.it.but.he doesnt want to for a 75gallon tank let me know what you have ty for looking
  17. My wife wants to start a Predator tank with lion and puffer fish and such and wants to put some different types of macro in there and was wondering if anyone has any ideas what types would work nice in there?
  18. It is heavy can be done with 2 people but wasnt fun.......
  19. need to sell this thing fast 375 for everything suml lights stand tank skimmer 6056613035 if you need more info 210 gallons 2x2x7 could use better lights but for the price cant beat it
  20. 2346 and still at work sigh. ....9 hours and 14 no wait 12 mins to go

  21. Sigh 24 hour duty saturday to sunday LAME!!!

  22. Hey sorry guys been really busy at work text me at 6056613035 easier to get ahold of me hard to send pms on phone always messes up
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