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Niko's Reef

2017 Premium Sponsor
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Posts posted by Niko's Reef

  1. Interesting topic. I was just fixing to go buy 1 for my pops. He's constatly gone, and his fish don't eat for 3-4 days. Was going to surprise him. Guess I'll hold off until I find out more about the feeders.

  2. Awesome Grog. Interesting point about them splitting when they are smaller. Mine is huge, and I don't really want it to split. Yeah, Siversides in a bag are hard to break off, after they have been thawed out.

  3. Vegas has a lot of awesome aquariums. I believe that show Tanked on Animal Planet has a lot of clients/hotels from Vegas. Think they are based in Las Vegas. We decided on our Honeymoon to go to Atlanta. Just got everything booked. Have 1 day dedicated to the Georgia Aquarium. Heard the place is pretty amazing. Come on July.

  4. Rory, it's something that I'm going to do a lot more research on. Just going to put it on the back burner for a little bit. Defintely apprecitate the 2 cents. Awesome Dave, thanks. Been wondering what it is.

  5. Dapettit, that's what I ended up doing. I had to go to a couple of Lowe's to find 1 with the right length and thickness, but I think I got it. I actually forgot the pc at home, but I called Coralife and got the measurements. If not, I still got the sheet and will take the original piece back to Lowe's. I love Lowe's. Their customer service rocks. Can't believe I forgot the pc. I had it right next to my keys. Was trying to make it to a hair apt, and get it done before work. Thanks everyone for the help. Niko.

  6. Kevin B, thanks for the Reagal Plastic advice. I called around to a few aquarium shops and 1 recommended them as well. When I 1st called Regal the lady told me yeah. When I called back with the measurements, I got another lady and she transferred me. The original lady stated she didn't know it was for an aquarium, that they just do acrylic for regular fixtures. Thought about it for awhile, then called back. I asked why it wouldnt work, and she stated its only straight. Well, thats exactly what I need so hopefully it will work. Called Coralife and they don't have the lens yet, but told me it was Lexan glass. Told me Lowes or Home Depot should be able to help me. Off on this adventure I go. Fml.

  7. I was in a rush trying to replace my bulbs. Got a little bit too neglegant and cracked 1 of my acrylic splash guards. I super glued it to prevent salt from getting into the fixture. Looks like it is working, but want to replace it. I tried to find it on the net, but wasn't able to. Sent an email to Coralife. Waiting for a reply. It's a 48" T5 double bulb fixture. Anyone know if I can obtain this from anywhere around here?

  8. Must be nice to live in Buda. My house dropped 20,000$. Was thinking about moving. That killed that. Don't really have the time or energy to fight it. Maybe my payments will go down. Foreclosures and short sells are killing my houses value.

  9. C Lo Slice, that's a good job at Dell. I have a degree in marketing too, but never used it. I just liked the $ where I was at and stayed. I tried to move to the Round Rock buildings recently, but a high up manager that I know over there told me to ride it out. He said things were tough all over for Dell. He said he could hook me up, but that he had to cut cost. The only way they can do that is to cut people. He was right. They just let go 200 people. Some of the people that got cut were originally from my building. They had been there less then 6 months. That's what sucks about trying to make a move, the new person is always first to go. I'm just going to let everything unfold. I got 4 jobs that will higher me. Some more $, some less. Just scared to be on a probation period without insurance with these last 3 medical events in our life's. Too bad none of my options are in marketing. What a waste.

  10. I know that Samsung is going to be hiring like crazy soon. The company that I want to work for when my Dell days are over, is working on the hvac, plumbing, and electircal on 2 buildings on Dessau. I think it's almost done. They already have 2 buildings on Dessau. If u want to apply for the jobs, be ready to work an insane amount of hours.

  11. Thanks Dave. That's helpful. I think I'm going to keep my process. If it's not broke, why fix it? Zoas doing great. Whats the name of the green coral that u gave me? It's different. I like it. Wish I would have gotten those mushrooms from u last week. That was a hell of a deal.

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