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Niko's Reef

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Posts posted by Niko's Reef

  1. Bio, It is indeed similar to your setup. Looks like you have 2 bulkheads with the same diameter, and 1 that is bigger. Is that correct? Amazing build you did on the cube by the way. I'm going to try to get some pics and figure out how to add them on here.

  2. Thanks Tim. I totally agree with you on all your points. This setup makes me truly nervous. I want to keep it as simple as possible. The guy that sold it to me mentioned I could plug it, or use a checkvalve. I never seen a setup like it, so I'm lost. Didn't know what would be best.

    I got the plumbing, a different sump, and different lights yesterday. I wasn't planning on purchasing anything yet, but I found a deal that I was really comfortable with. This pushed up my time frame quite a bit, but I still planed on taking my time setting it up. After reading your post though, I think I need to pump the brakes hard. I need to do a lot more research online, talking to people, and seeing different setups similar to it.

    I appreciate all the input and volunteering to help me set it up. I was nervous about posting this topic and felt silly. I'm so glad I did. I've gained a lot of info from it.

  3. Thanks Sascha for all your help. I will look it up tomorrow. Knew I had to be doing something wrong. Dave, I appreciate that. I'll more then likely take u up on that offer. This setup will be all new to me. I'll pm u n a few weeks when I'm ready.

  4. Thanks for the responses Bio and Sascha. Was thinking that's what they were for, just thought it would be in the back. I'll check your build thread out Bio to see if it's similar. I was trying to google it, but couldn't really find any with the bulkheads on top. Sascha, he told me that it had to do something with it preventing it from flooding. I just was kind of overwhelmed at the moment he was talking to me, with the purchase decision. I'm more of the type of person who has to see something to understand. Thanks.

  5. Patrick,

    Thanks for your response. Sorry for not being more elaborate. Makes sense about the sump requiring 1 line in and 1 line out. It's a sea clear system 2 that has the original filtration system removed. All the bulkheads have the same diameter. The bottom bulkhead is in the left chamber. The other two bulkheads are identically measured on the left and the right of the top glass inserts. Not too sure about a skimmer box, but I didn't see 1. He was in the process of breaking it down by the time I saw it. At that time, all he had was a customized sump with 3 compartments. I'm not using that sump, but an Eshoops instead if that makes a difference. Hope that helped with some of the questions you asked.


  6. I recently purchased a 75gal that was predrilled. I'm confused about the setup. Never had a predrilled tank. It has 2 bulkheads on the top and 1 in the back. The back 1 was running to the sump. I understand that part. That's how it was running when I saw it. What I don't understand is what the top bulkheads are for. Please school me.

  7. Mike, I'm interested in the skimmer for my biocube or seahorse tank. Working on getting a 75 up and running and headed to ATL for a Honeymoon next week, so $ is looking deflated right now. I'm following your post. If nobody jumps on it b4 I get some $ stacked back up, I'll give you a holler. GLWS.

  8. Good topic. I feel you Caleb about being at LFS stores and making impulse buys. Have that same problem. That and when I go to ARC members who are having huge sales or shutting down tanks. I'm starting a new 75. Going to take my time when it comes to stocking this time. Luckily I haven't ran into any problems with jumping the gun.

  9. Just had the best ride in a cop car in my life. Got into it with my wife at BDP on I35 and Howard. She made me upset that I decided to walk home. Only problem is that I live 30 miles and phone is dead. I made it about 17 miles, and was running out of steam. Didn't want to ruin anyone's 4th, so I kept pushing. Cop in Hutto stops me. He checks into my story and offers me a ride. I gladly take it. He ends up taking me the rest of the way and we have awesome conversations. Just been a crazy night. Almost got into it with some homeless people and their guard dog. Thought I was taking their territory. Right when I was running out of options the lord answered my prayers. Thank u officer Chris. Just know there are a lot of good people in the world, no matter their badge or uniform. They are here to help protect us and serve us. Also, forgive people that fall. Help them get back up. I feel so blessed in life, after my failures.

  10. That's what I was thinking due to the sand. Has some scratches as well on top due to the hood that was on it. Not too sure I want to use the hood. This is my first rimless tank. Really like it compared to the 1's I have.

  11. It's mainly on the bottom of the tank, but some scratches are on the bottom of the front glass as well. Not worried about the actual bottom too much. Was wondering if I'm being too picky? Seems like it will get scratched anyways from the crushed coral that I will place at the bottom of it.

  12. Thanks all for the input on topic. Dave, I ended up reading your whole blog. Truly amazing, and educational. After seeing how awesome your tank is, it made me want to take even more time to get it right. Never taken much time with my tanks. Always trying to rush thru them and get them going immediately. This 1 is going to be my baby. Hope the kit works out better for me, but I doubt it. It had shipped by the time I read your experience. Read good and bad reviews, so I'm kind of nervous. I appreciate the offer on the sandpaper, and will let you know. The scratches are really light, mainly on the bottom do to the moving of sand and rocks. Sorry about your mom and the crash. I know how retirement homes can affect your loved 1's as well as you. Going thru that as well.

  13. Thanks Tim. Found a package deal on Amazon for 8oz's of Novus 1,2,3 and some of their clothes. Going to give it a shot. Mostly good reviews on it. Sounds like I can use it for other items if not.

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