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Status Updates posted by dapettit

  1. Update on Jeremey aka offroadodge from FB: It appears he had a mishap on his 4 wheeler,his right hip is crushed and his left hip is cracked. He also has a cracked vertabrae. He is not paralyzed and has no head injuries.

  2. Enjoying the first of the mountain stages of the TDF.

  3. Better Day!

    1. Laura


      what was wrong with yesterday??

    2. mcallahan


      no beer time with Callahan.

    3. Laura


      i need more than beer...i think i'm gonna start taking the pot...

  4. AC broke at the office. We are on the second floor. Cooler in the parking lot!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Toxiq Reef

      Toxiq Reef

      ouch.. sorry, glad I work outside sometimes, that would upset me

    3. mcallahan


      what is it with you and broken A/C's

    4. NonSequitur


      Today must be a bad day for A/Cs.. we had one go out today too.

  5. Lance didn't do to bad for an OLD man! Watch out Contador . . .

  6. The Tour starts today. Go Team Radio Shack!

  7. Another rainy day.

  8. Tank sitter available.

  9. Still hurtin but I made it back to work.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dapettit


      teist my back tryin to keep from folling over a stump the neighbor didn't marl while cutting the lawn. Wrenched it real bad!

    3. Laura


      Dave...try MCKENZIE EXERCISE...google the entire phrase...I paid $1000 and had an MRI to find out I would be prescribed this exercise for my lower back !! My son Michael used the same technique for lower back pain and he's also as good as new...

    4. innate1


      Get the to a Chiropractor, sir.

  10. Saw the whole thing, dude. First you were all like "whoa", and we were like "whoa", and you were like "whoa..."

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. cmanning


      Hey Dave...our oldest will be here on Sunday with the grandkid..Haven't seen him since he was a month old...that'll be a treat.

    3. mcallahan


      "Whose behind?"


    4. August


      ahhh well that will be fun Dave hope yall have a good weekend..

  11. Blessed indeed is the man who hears many gentle voices call him father! Happy Father's Day.

    1. August


      Happy Fathers Day Dave

  12. Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!

    1. JamesL


      raises an eyebrow...

    2. mcallahan
    3. August


      hahaha are you watching Duck Dodgers and Marvin the Martian Dave??

  13. DANG IT! Left my phone at home again!

    1. mcallahan


      what are you going to do when you fall and can't get up?

  14. needs to figure out how to remove the center fan in his hood. It's to heavy for Robin to help me lift.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KaceyJ


      when all else fails, try a mallet :D

    3. mcallahan


      wanna cool your house with your canopy?

    4. dapettit


      Well I need to keep it cool some how. . .

  15. Just another manic Monday!

  16. Finished the yardwork, ran some errands, grilled some chicken and corn on the cob. Time to soak in the hot tub!

  17. Another great Saturday!

  18. A full day of water changes and tank maintenance

  19. Just stumbled across "The Undersea World of Jacques Coustea" On Turner Classic Movies

  20. Finally watched the last episode of Lost. Never watch the show before but figured out the ending within the first hour. Man did Robin get mad at me :)

  21. 2 more hours till my weekend!

  22. Shake up in the Big 12

  23. Bad headache. GO AWAY!

  24. Bad headache. GO AWAY!

    1. dapettit


      Thank God for advil!

    2. mcallahan


      too much laughing gas huh?

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